Saturday, March 31, 2007

Drank en softdrugs niet meer in één café

Hasjcafés in Amsterdam mogen vanaf zondag niet langer zowel alcohol als softdrugs verkopen. Dat schrijft minister van Justitie Ernst Hirsch Ballin vrijdag in een brief aan de Amsterdamse burgemeester Job Cohen, meldt de gemeente.

De burgemeester had de minister op verzoek van bijna de gehele gemeenteraad gevraagd de combinatie van alcohol- en softdrugsverkooppunten in stand te houden, maar kreeg nul op het rekest.

Amsterdam voerde van 1996 tot 2003 een uitsterfbeleid voor de hasjcafés, maar dat leidde volgens de gemeente slechts tot een beperkte afname. In die periode nam het aantal hasjcafés af van honderd tot zestig, waarop werd besloten het Amsterdamse beleid aan te passen. De gemeente nam met het uitsterfbeleid al een uitzonderingspositie in.

De hasjcafés kregen tot komende zondag de tijd om aan te geven of ze als café of als coffeeshop willen doorgaan. Van de 44 die er nu nog zijn, gaan er veertig door als coffeeshop, de rest wordt café.

Friday, March 30, 2007

GTA IV trailer

Click here to watch the first trailer of GTA IV in HD! Supposedly it's all ingame. Looks very good. Alternatively you can watch the low-def version on YouTube. It also contains a nice reference to Koyaanisqatsi. Release date: Oct 16, 2007. I hope they quickly port it to the PC once it's finished. On a related note, age verification on websites is ridiculous.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

You are the 25,000th visitor! Click here to collect your price!

This week our blog hit the 25,000 all-time pageviews! That's equal to the number of cattle that died in a heat wave in California. Visitors came from 109 different countries (85 from China).

Wie staat er links op de roltrap?

Ben sinds deze week begonnen met een klein onderzoekje (wetenschappelijk op het hoogste niveau!) over de opstopping op de roltrap. Dit zijn mijn resultaten: Vouwfiets gebruiker : 2x de zelfde man! blank, geschatte leeftijd rond de 30, waarschijnlijk hoog opgeleid( deze man weet waarschijnlijk net als ik welke wagon hij moet hebben om bij de roltrappen uit te stappen) groepje werknemers: 2x een groepje werknemers gezien die de shit op hielden groepjes van rond de 5. en leeftijden van tussen de 30 en 40 (sterk gevoel dat het ambtenaren zijn :) Hindoe vrouw: 2x een hindoestance vrouw gezien die het veroorzaakte beide van tussen de 30 en 50.(kan hun leeftijd altijd slecht inschatten) studentes: een keer een groepje studentes die de boel op hielde, leeftijd rond de 21. Dit was mijn onderzoekje in het kort. was verbaast dat ik al 3x een dubbele oorzaak heb gezien en benieuwd welke oorzaken er nog meer zullen komen. Ps: iedereen die met de trein reist mag natuurlijk meedoen. Niet dat het je leven ook maar een beetje leuker maakt! Als je er zin in hebt kun je de oorzaak, de leeftijd van de persoon, en het allerbelangrijks: ZIJN RAS noteren. alle overige gegevens zijn natuurlijk ook welkom

Lucky bastard

Saved by a few centimeters.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

De Nieuwe Burgemeester van Utrecht

Zoals een aantal van jullie weten, mogen de burgers van Utrecht 10 oktober een nieuwe burgemeester kiezen. Vooralsnog hebben vijf kandidaten zich al aangemeld:
  • Kees van Oosten Een jurist, die in de gemeenteraad heeft gezeten en graag een alternatief wil zijn voor de andere kandidaten (lees Westbroek & Schnetz)
  • Henk Westbroek Bekend als zanger en van Leefbaar Utrecht. Hij wil zich samen met Broos Schnetz (die andere kerel van Leefbaar Utrecht) kandidaat stellen.
  • Steef Schinkel, directeur van het Schillertheater in de Minrebroedersstraat. Hij is ook columnist in Ons Utrecht
  • Louis van Gaal (de neef van), een kersenkweker die de helft van alle ambtenaren wil ontslaan
  • Bernard Tomlow, een advocaat graag een schoon en veilig Utrecht wil.
Het raadplegend referendum zal echter geen echt referendum worden. Er zal een voorselectie plaats vinden, waar twee kandidaten uit komen. Uit deze twee kandidaten mag de burger kiezen. edit: De gemeente Utrecht is ook geïnteresseerd naar jullie mening! Hier kunnen jullie de enquete invullen. Iedereen die meedoet en zijn persoonsgegevens achterlaat maakt kans op een etentje met de nieuwe burgemeester! De gemeenteraad gebruikt de uitkomsten van de enquête en de bijdrage van de partners in de stad bij het opstellen van de profielschets voor de nieuwe burgemeester. De profielschets wordt in de raadsvergadering van 7 juni vastgesteld. De profielschets wordt gebruikt voor het opstellen van de vacature. De vacature wordt half juni in de Staatscourant gepubliceerd. Sollicitaties gaan naar de commissaris van de Koningin. De commissaris beoordeelt welke kandidaten geschikt zijn voor de burgemeestersvacature. Een vertrouwenscommissie van de gemeenteraad selecteert vervolgens twee kandidaten en draagt die voor aan de raad. De raad besluit in september wie die twee kandidaten zijn.

Be carefull with tape!

I just found this piece of paper in my tape thingy (don't know how that's called, but a thing which contains your tape).
I think it's trying to tell me that I shouldn't drop it, otherwhise it will break.

thnx for the info!


***this post is a little outdated, because we won't be sharing a bathroom with 8 but with 4 men***
Well it looks like we will be sharing a bathroom with the 8 of us on holiday, so here's something to get warmed up... Assicons: (_!_) a regular ass (__!__) a fat ass (!) a tight ass (_*_) a sore ass {_!_} a swishy ass (_o_) an ass that's been around (_x_) kiss my ass (_X_) leave my ass alone (_zzz_) a tired ass (_E=mc2_) a smart ass (_$_) Money coming out of his ass (_?_) Dumb Ass You have just been e-mooned! :-)

Peanut butter = proof of god

Yes, not only do bananas prove there is a god, but peanut butter really seals the deal.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Dutch consider 'magic' mushroom ban

The Netherlands, well known for its liberal policies on soft drugs like marijuana, may follow Ireland and ban the sale of hallucinogenic mushrooms.

Recently, a teenage tourist in the Netherlands died after jumping off a bridge during a trip.

The Irish government banned the sale and possession of hallucinogenic mushrooms under similar circumstances last year after a Dublin man fell to his death at a Halloween party in 2005. Dutch Health Minister Ab Klink ordered a special study into the 'magic' mushrooms and their effects Tuesday. A majority of lawmakers in the Netherlands is in favour of a ban, according to the Dutch news agency ANP.

Both dried and fresh mushrooms can be bought freely in so-called 'smart shops' even though 'actively' dried mushrooms are technically illegal.

Amsterdam, the Dutch capital, has become an international tourist destination because of its tolerance for soft drug use and government-regulated coffee shops that legally sell small amounts of cannabis.

I'll jump off a bridge when they ban mushrooms!

Monday, March 26, 2007

Philips Drag And Draw Technology

This may be one of the greatest trip-tools ever!


It's really old, but I thought I'd share anyway because it's not often that text makes me LOL.

"They're made out of meat."


"Meat. They're made out of meat."


"There's no doubt about it. We picked up several from different parts of the planet, took them aboard our recon vessels, and probed them all the way through. They're completely meat."

"That's impossible. What about the radio signals? The messages to the stars?"

"They use the radio waves to talk, but the signals don't come from them. The signals come from machines."

"So who made the machines? That's who we want to contact."

"They made the machines. That's what I'm trying to tell you. Meat made the machines."

"That's ridiculous. How can meat make a machine? You're asking me to believe in sentient meat."

read the rest..

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Penn and Teller: Bullshit! season 5

Season 5 of Penn and Teller: Bullshit has begun.
Torrent can be found here.

World War I color photos

I didn't know there were color photos from WWI, but it seems there are.
These photos were made with one of the first color photo techniques called Autochrome Lumière. I would have liked to have seen more photos of the trenches, preferably in the rain.

Another early photography technique was developed by Prokudin-Gorsky and used three color filters to produce three black and white images which could be combined to a color image. He used his techniques to document early Russia.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Tobacco and alcohol are more dangerous than LSD'

March 22, 2007 -

Alcohol and tobacco are more harmful than many illegal drugs including the hallucinogen LSD and the dance drug ecstasy, according to a new scale for assessing the dangers posed by recreational substances.

Drug specialists say the current system for ranking drugs - class A for the most dangerous to class C for the least dangerous, as set out in the Misuse of Drugs Act - is irrational, arbitrary and "lacking in transparency".

Scientific evidence shows that heroin and cocaine are correctly ranked as class A drugs as they do cause the most harm. But LSD and ecstasy come close to bottom of the league in terms of harm caused, yet they are also labelled as class A.

Alcohol is legal and widely used but comes fifth in the "harm" table, ahead of amphetamines and cannabis, which are ranked as class B and class C respectively. Tobacco is also ranked as more harmful than cannabis. More...

Milgram Experiment

The video is pretty long but I think it's worth it. A short (7 min) video summary can be found here. wiki: Milgram summed things up in his 1974 article, "The Perils of Obedience", writing:
The legal and philosophic aspects of obedience are of enormous importance, but they say very little about how most people behave in concrete situations. I set up a simple experiment at Yale University to test how much pain an ordinary citizen would inflict on another person simply because he was ordered to by an experimental scientist. Stark authority was pitted against the subjects' [participants'] strongest moral imperatives against hurting others, and, with the subjects' [participants'] ears ringing with the screams of the victims, authority won more often than not. The extreme willingness of adults to go to almost any lengths on the command of an authority constitutes the chief finding of the study and the fact most urgently demanding explanation. Ordinary people, simply doing their jobs, and without any particular hostility on their part, can become agents in a terrible destructive process. Moreover, even when the destructive effects of their work become patently clear, and they are asked to carry out actions incompatible with fundamental standards of morality, relatively few people have the resources needed to resist authority.
Pretty shocking (pun) and interesting experiment. Too bad things like this or like the Stanford Prison Experiment aren't done anymore out of concerns about the ethics of it.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Arbre du Ténéré

"L'Arbre du Ténéré, known in English as the Tree of Ténéré, was a solitary acacia, that was once considered the most isolated tree on Earth — the only one within more than 400 km.
(.........) The tree was knocked down by an allegedly drunk Libyan truck driver in 1973. On 8 November 1973 the dead tree was relocated to the Niger National Museum in the capital Niamey."
"The baobab , or monkey bread tree are a genus of eight species of trees, native to Madagascar (the centre of diversity, with six species), and mainland Africa and Australia (one species in each). The mainland African species also occurs in Madagascar, but it is not a native of that country. The species reach heights of between 5–25 m (exceptionally 30 m) tall, and up to 7 m (exceptionally 11 m) in trunk diameter. They are noted for storing water inside the swollen trunk, with the capacity to store up to 120,000 litres of water to endure the harsh drought conditions particular to each region." More Magnificent Trees!

Utrecht Panorama

I made two panoramas from the top of the V&D in Utrecht today:

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

74th Birthday of concentrationcamp Dachau

This morning I stumbled upon this on Wikipedia, apparently today it's exactly 74 years ago that the construction of concentration camp Dachau was completed (21-3-1933) it drew my attention because I didn't know that these camps were all ready under construction before 1933. I began reading the article regarding the camp itself and (like every Nazi concentration camp) it discussed me jet again. But the story of Dachau doesn't end at the disturbing truth of Nazi concentration camps. The discovery of the camp and the following events did turn my stomach upside down once again. A brief summary (full article linked): By the time (27-4-1945, liberated on the 29th) the camp was discovered over 32.000 people were imprisoned in the camp. It was the second camp to be discovered by the Allies, the news about the other camp didn't reach the troops before first contact therefor they didn't what it was and what was happening. Somewhat like in Band of Brothers. The only difference is that Dachau was still guarded by SS troops while in Band of Brothers the camp was abandoned. The first to enter the camp were Red Cross representatives on the 27th to distribute food and water, that evening a transport from an evacuated camp arrived with +/- 4500 people on board, yet only 800 had survived the transit, over 2300 corpses were let lie in and around the train. On the 29th the SS officially surrendered while U.S. troops were still not fully aware of what was going on inside. Upon entering the camp (particularly the train mentioned earlier) the GI's formed the slogan "we will not take prisoners here". What followed was an onsite execution of +/- 35 SS troops. When the news of the execution reached the Allied commanding officer he ran in to stop the massacre. By this time at least 12 SS were machine-gunned down, the wounded were given razor blades to "finish themselves off". When the U.S. soldiers left the location the left numerous handguns behind for the inmates in order to finish the executions, 40 more SS soldiers were tortured and killed by inmates. In total 200.000 people were imprisoned, 31.591 deaths have been recorded. Annom edit: Relevant documentary torrents: BBC - Auschwitz: The Nazis and the Final Solution PBS- Memory of the Camps (Very graphic images made by the American Army)

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Iraq: Four Years On

Since it has been four years after the Iraqi-invasion, I'll post some news pages I found on the BBC and elsewhere on the web.

The Iraqi Body Count: Pretty reliable information on the body count.
A summary of the fourth year, which gives you a quick impression.

Baghdad, mapping the violence: Shows a map of Baghdad and the bomb attacks. Shows only attacks resulting in 10+ deaths. It also shows the ethnic composition of the neighbourhoods, and the segregation of the last year.

Also, as requested by Annom, a poll of Iraq.
Since the figures aren't so clear, here is the full article. The Poll itself can be found here(pdf).

For everyone who still wants more, some here, the rest can be found here.

Kick-ass engine

This engine truly kicks-ass!

Fighting Little People

I've been a little inactive these last days because of exams. Still busy, but I've time to bring you fighting dwarfs: The phrase "Only in America" seems fitting here. I didn't even know Jerry Springer was still on. Very disturbing, but look at the little guy scuttling over the floor, how cute.. Also a bit of education; These are not midgets, the term midget is (was) used for little people who have proportionate limbs. These are dwarfs because their limbs are disproportionate. Though both prefer to be called "little person"

Monday, March 19, 2007

the virus is coming!

Tip: Read this post with a morpheous-like voice. The Virus is coming, it has crossed "the line". Our defenses have been breached, the blue venom unleased upon our loyal disciples. Many allready have been slaughtered, it's a matter of time before it reaches "The Core". There is only one option: (shouting out loud!) APPLE USERS! COMBINE YOUR FORCES AND PREPAIR FOR WAR!!!

Saturday, March 17, 2007


"Those circles aren't animal pens. They're burned-down gottias, circular mud huts that had straw roofs, and they're what's left of Dalia, a village in Sudan's Darfur region, one of hundreds of villages that have been destroyed by the Janjaweed in a program of depopulation that has killed perhaps 400,000 civilians since 2003. I used pointers from one draft version to highlight 15 of the destroyed villages visible in the imagery released today. Here it is, Google Earth KMZ file. Zoom in close. This is just a minuscule subset of the devastation in Darfur."
Darfur Confict wiki entry. Darfur Conflict Map, August 2004. Demand International Action Petition.

Hitler or Star Wars?

I was bored and failed miserably, but I'm going to post my creation anyway:

Friday, March 16, 2007

Kinderveilige aanstekers?

Een kindveilige aansteker is:
„Een aansteker die op een zodanige wijze is ontworpen en geproduceerd dat deze onder normale en redelijkerwijs te verwachten gebruiksomstandigheden niet kan worden gebruikt door kinderen jonger dan 51 maanden, bijvoorbeeld vanwege de kracht die nodig is om hem te bedienen vanwege het ontwerp of de bescherming van zijn ontstekingsmechanisme of de complexiteit van de achtereenvolgende handelingen die voor de ontsteking nodig zijn.”

Sinds deze week mogen fabrikanten in de Europese Unie, van Lissabon tot Helsinki en van Dublin tot Tallinn, alleen nog wegwerpaanstekers op de markt brengen die voldoen aan de nieuwe kinderveiligheidseisen. Over een jaar is de ban compleet. Dan mag ook de detailhandel alleen nog kinderveilige aanstekers verkopen.

Bijgevoegd in de link bevindt zich het volledige artikel, waar wordt beschreven hoe dit besluit tot stand is gekomen.

Binnenkort maar een ritje naar de makro?

Thursday, March 15, 2007

A strange way of singing

The sound he starts making at 02:25 is called Throat Singing. Some of you may recognize this sound from Shpongle - Divine Moments of Truth.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Extremely bizarre skin condition in Eastern Europe

The man has keratin-like matter growing out of the skin on hands and feet, which started when he was young, and very slowly continues to spread and grow. The areas begin as skin lesions, and the matter sprouts from those spots. The growths are very difficult to remove, and the man has so far just had to learn to live with it. There are a few medical precedents to this man's case, but nothing is certain until more tests are done. He is now 38 and it started when he was 14, on one wrist. He never returned for treatments as he felt the first cauterizing was effective in that the growths did not return to that area, but felt they grew more quickly in other areas.

Добър ден!

After some googling on our holiday, I found some interesting pages I wanted to share with you: Wikitravel: A nice summary about the country we're gonna visit. The Bulgarian language on wikibooks looks quite difficult, since they're using their Cyrillic alphabet. Shows a lot of useful phrases:

Expressions for showing affection

  • Обичаш ли ме? (Obíchash li me?) - Do you love me?
  • Обичам те! (Obícham te!) - I love you!
  • Харесваш ли ме? (Harésvash li me?) - Do you like me?
  • Харесвам те (Harésvam te) - I like you
  • Много си хубав/хубава ( Mnógosi húbaf/húbava) ) - You're very pretty (ending in "a" is said to females)
To be continued...

Sunny Bitch

I found the Forum Apartment in Google Earth!It looks like a decent location. 1km from the old city of Nessebar, 3km from the Sunny Beach centre and the coastline at 500m.

I also added some Clubs and Bars I found on this website into Google Earth. Here is the kmz file. There seems to be a KARAOKE BAR!!!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Berlin in 3D

Over 44.000 buildings in Berlin have been modeled in 3D for Google Earth. You need to download a *.kmz file from their site to activate them.
Pretty impressive, though it does load a little slowly sometimes, and the view distance isn't that great.

A fly-through from

Saturday, March 10, 2007

The Power of the Sun

Parabolic Troughs Solar Power Plant
A long row of parabolic mirrors concentrates sunlight on a tube filled with a heat transfer fluid (usually oil). As with the power tower, this heated oil is used to power a conventional steam turbine, or stored for nighttime use. The Kramer Junction SEGS plant, USA, has a total power of 500MW, in the pic above you see a part(160MW) of it. Large Nuclear Power Plants have a power of around 1000MW, Borssele in the Netherlands is 500MW.
The great thing about this SEGS solar power plant is that it makes profit without government support; it can compete with fossil fuels in a free market and is cheaper than Nuclear Energy. This large SEGS solar power plant has a higher efficiency(+-20%) than normal(not made for space) photovoltaic plants(solar cells).

Concentrated Solar Power Tower
Power towers use an array of flat, movable mirrors (called heliostats) to focus the sun's rays upon a collector tower (the target). The high energy at this point of concentrated sunlight is transferred to a working fluid for conversion to electrical energy in a heat engine.
In the picture above you see the Solar Two in Barstow, USA. It's a 10MW Solar Power Tower. 10MW is not that much and this probably isn't a commercial viable project, but I'm still impressed with the power of the Sun and how we can use it.Here(kmz file) are a few Nuclear, Solar and Wind Power Plants I marked in Google Earth.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Logging Submerged Forests

Wired has an interesting story about underwater logging. This isn't about harvesting kelp forests but real wood forests that have been flooded after (hydroelectric) dams have been built, or geologic events.
By some estimates, there is $50 billion worth of marketable timber at the bottom of these man-made lakes. I guess a lot more timber must be available after the Three Gorges reservoir in China fills.

Also this timber is very eco-friendly because the forests have died. Logging these forests also prevents their decay in the future which would release large quantities of methane (greenhouse) gas. Though most of the forests are very well preserved because the lakes are generally low on oxygen levels.


Based on the November 2006 elections:

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Britain's drugs laws driven by "moral panic"

Nothing new here for most of you so I'll keep this post short and only post the link, just to share some positive drug related news.

"FTL" drive possible with Heim Theory

Another Damn Interesting article. Excerpt:
In 1957, German theoretical physicist Burkhard Heim publicly outlined a new idea for spacecraft propulsion. It was based on his new theory of physics which successfully described Einstein's theory of Relativity within the framework of Quantum Mechanics, and it married the two so effectively that he became an instant celebrity. Such a goal was long sought by Einstein himself, but never realized. Heim's ideas described a "hyperdrive" which would locally modify the constants of nature in such a way that a vehicle would be allowed to travel at immense speeds, possibly faster than the speed of light. Such a propulsion system could theoretically reach Mars in under five hours, and neighboring stars within a few months. Because it is so complex and has had relatively little exposure, the Heim-Dröscher theory is still not well understood by most physicists. But its ability to calculate particle mass with uncanny accuracy has lent it a certain degree of credibility, because no theory before or since Heim's can accomplish the same thing. If the theory is accurate, the hyperdrive propulsion field it allows may make a weekend trip to Mars a reality, and put the stars within our grasp. more...
Wiki article and New Scientist articles on Heim theory. Skeptical view on the prediction of particle masses. I really hope this theory works and makes FTL travel feasible. It should be noted that most of the original work and the subsequent theories based on it have not been peer reviewed.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

How To Argue Effectively

I argue very well. Ask any of my remaining friends. I can win an argument on any topic, against any opponent. People know this and steer clear of me at parties. Often, as a sign of their great respect, they don't even invite me. You too can win arguments. Simply follow these rules.

Full Screen Interactive 360° panoramas

This site has a big collection of panoramas from a variety of other sites. Some of them are really impressive. You can look around in 360° and zoom in and out on most of them. Zooming in a bit really adds to the realism. It's almost as if you were there, if you have a big screen, that is.

Tsar Bomba in volume TNT

The Tsar Bomba is the largest, most powerful nuclear weapon ever detonated. Developed by the Soviet Union, a bomb of about 50 megatons.

TNT equivalent is a method of quantifying the energy released in explosions. The tonne of TNT is used as a unit of energy, approximately equivalent to the energy released in the detonation of this amount of TNT.
Megaton of TNT (Mt) = 4.1868 x 1015 J

TNT has a density of 1.654 g/cm^3. This means the Tsar Bomba is equivalent to a cube with sides of 311.5m made of pure TNT. This cube is shown in the following figure on the map of Manhattan:

The Tsar Bomba compared to other nuclear bombs detonated:
Video of 160 kg TNT explosion:

Video of Tsar Bomba explosion:

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


For the Dutch readers; please don't forget to vote tomorrow (Wednesday) for the Dutch Provinciale Staten.
Linked to Stemwijzer (which kinda sucks)

The Worst Album Covers Ever Created

Some of the worst album covers ever!
Pick your favorite!

Switzerland Google Earth Update

Wiiieeeeee! Updates! High resolution and well height-mapped(check the dam) images of Switzerland.

* Entire country of Switzerland at 50cm and many Swiss cities at 25cm (thank you, Endoxon)
* Entire country of Switzerland terrain at 10m resolution, Swiss Alps are now high-res!
* Entire country of Denmark at 50cm
* Australia day flyover (Google maps special)
* Cities of France: Lyon; Le Mans; Lourdes; Reims; Nancy; Limoges; Lille; Arles
* Potsdam and Magdeburg, Germany
* Barcelona, Belem, Cape Town, Galapagos (Isabella Island), Manaus, Mt Saint Helens, Recife, Rio, Venice

Google is angry

Hello ..........., It has come to our attention that invalid clicks have been generated on the Google ads on your site(s). In the future, we may adjust your payment for any days during which invalid clicks occurred in order to properly credit advertisers for any invalid activity. As a reminder, any method of generating invalid clicks is strictly prohibited. Invalid clicks include but are not limited to any clicks that are generated through the use of robots, automated clicking tools, manual clicks by a publisher on the publisher's own web pages, or a publisher encouraging others to click on his ads. If you are clicking on the ads on your web pages for testing purposes, please note that clicking on your own ads or encouraging others to do so for any reason is prohibited, due to the potential for inflation of advertiser costs. Please be assured that there is no need to test the ads on your site, as our specialists review all of our ads to ensure that they meet Google's advertising standards.
Oops :)

Monday, March 05, 2007

Projection Monumentale

After the so so CG intro there's a quite impressive way of projecting art on monuments or other buildings.

Free Wallpaper Download!

I've uploaded my latest wallpaper in a variety of flavours. It's plain, simple - some would call it minimalistic - and it sure as heck r0x0rs y0ur b0x0rs!
Click this image for the real deal!
Also available in Fluor Green, Easy Blue and Fiery Orange.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Uncle Caught Teaching Boys Aged 2, and 5 to Smoke Pot

WATAUGA, Texas — A 17-year-old faces a felony charge of injury to a child after police found a videotape that appears to show him and another man teaching his 2- and 5-year-old nephews to smoke marijuana, police said. The video shows two children being taught to smoke marijuana and the men encouraging them to "get high," police said. A man can be seen placing a marijuana cigarette into a baby's mouth and, in another part of the video, a different boy is shown smoking on his own. "The video contains disturbing images of the young children being badgered into smoking a marijuana cigar, commonly referred to as a 'blunt,"' according to a release from the Watauga Department of Public Safety. The bail for Demetris McCoy, 17, was set at $150,000. He remained in jail Friday night, police said. I'm not saying it's okay for a 2 year old to smoke weed, but I do think they are overreacting to this. Why put those children in foster care? I'm also curious to the punishment those two men will get. After all, they committed this crime in Texas.


Here is another great Apple product!