Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Above the Influence!

Check out the new hip ads of above the influence! Do you live above the influence? For those of you who aren't familiar with anit-drug sites, I also present www.freevibe.com:
pinkcheesegreenghost (9/16/2006 5:02:51 PM) i have never tried drugs but my friend smoked marijuana and died. dont smoke weed becouse marijuana doese kill. my other friend smokes weed and he almost died and he spent 30 days in a prisin hospitle.


  1. it's important to have your own opinion, but where's god in this all? I mean if you want to control people in this way you'll have to be a christian of a believer in scientology.

  2. yeah I was missing the god-factor in this " educational" site as well.

    I'd rather have them use god as an argument than bogus scientific conclusions.

  3. Most anti drug sites switched from "god hates drugs" to "facts about drugs".

    They newest hype is to tell that weed is boring because all you do is sit on a couch. :)

    These are all the long-term effects trimbos.nl mentions: Schade aan ademhalingsorganen, kanker (bij roken).

    There sure might be more, but the judge is still out on that.

  4. my friends asked me te eat a strawberry, the day after i killed a bunny.

  5. those ads are a bit like the Dutch anti-smoke ads(maar ik rook niet). But then these folks are serious!

    @wiki: are you under the pressure?
    @mr. wiggles: wow! another comment!!! still waiting for your first post!
