Thursday, May 03, 2007

Test your typing skills!

TyperA is a Java program that tests your typing speed. You get randomly chosen words or sentences and try to type them as fast as possible. A game lasts for one or two minutes. The program counts letters of the correctly typed words and divides it by the test time. This will be your score, expressed in KPM, keystrokes per minute. TyperA was originally developed in 1999 on an Amiga 1200 running LinuxPPC and hosted on a Linux server. However, it is no longer actively developed.


  1. first try: 310 keys per minute ~ 62 words per minute.

    8 errors.

    Not the easiest sentences :)

  2. They're not quite coherent either...

  3. second try: Your score: 329 keys per minute ~ 65 words per minute

    7 errors

  4. third try: Your score: 320 keys per minute ~ 64 words per minute

    9 errors.

    I think I can't do much better without serious training. Punctuations are my weakest link....

  5. It's working again, but I fucked it up in the end 264 keys per minute. I'm average.

  6. Your score: 264 keys per minute ~ 52 words per minute

    Language/mode: en

    Ranking: You've got potential.

    Comparison: 44% of registered TyperA users using this language have typed a better result; 56% have a lower or equal result.

    i suck in this English typing
