Thursday, July 19, 2007

Gordon Ramsay

Gordon ramsay is one of the biggest chefs in the world and the first one who owns 10 michilen stars. on differend restaurants ofc. with one 3 star michilen star restauran.

I watch his program sindce 10 years or something and first i watches it because his agrassion was fun. later i watched it because his incredible sense of quality. specially the program (kitchen nightmares) that he travels around the world to help restaurants that are almost going bankruptcy. He almost know to bring them back on the track within a month. Most of the time not even with hot cuisine but with just simplicity and an incredible sense of what the customer wanted. This program is even intresting if you don't give a fuck about food.

Anyway he mostly is know by his anger in the kitchen. and thats where this movie is about to bad its peeped :S

i put some other links with some recipe movies,

fast food: sticky chicken.



  1. He sure is the best teacher in the world. They should adopt his "no errors allowed" education method in all schools! What an ass :)

  2. Funny stuff, on youtube you can also find clips that aren't bleeped.

    Gordon vs Jame May (from Top Gear)

  3. love him,

    he's an incredible nazi and his 'teaching techniques' sometimes don't work with people who don't take destructive critisism well.

  4. Destructive Critisism... :D

    "Would you mind taking your breasts off my hot plate?"
