Monday, June 23, 2008

New Personal Pasta Carbonara record!!!

Last night I made my usual pasta carbonara but because my refrigerator (still) isn't delivered I was forced to cook all the ingredients thinking that I would throw away most of it after dinner. Yet my competitive side took the wheel and I ate it all. I think I have a new personal record on this one, I made about half the portion of what I made for the five of us 2 weeks ago...
An overview: 250 gr. Tortellini -> 992,5 kcal 150 gr. Union -> insignificant 125 gr. Mushrooms -> insignificant 250 gr. Bacon -> 2205 kcal 0,5 l milk -> 225 kcal Carbonara -> 292,8 kcal Total -> 3715,3 kcal in 775 gr. of food. The amounts of kcal are written on the package except for the bacon which I googled and found here. Tried to find a comparison to an average UN Food Package, none is found as of yet... Help me?


pimp-a-lot bear said...

wow, dekus, that's a lot of food!
I'm sure this isn't the only thing you ate today...

dekus said...

Nope, had a bowl of crusli with yogurt in the morning, 6 slices of bread for lunch, a piece of pie and a cup-a-soup in the afternoon

annom said...

I can only find that the poor people in Africa and Asia have an average intake of 1500 kcal per day.

dekus said...
