Sunday, October 26, 2008

Most horrifying rifle ever made: M 107

Wiki: The M82 (also more recently known as the M107) is a heavy SASR (Special Application Scoped Rifle) developed by the American Barrett Firearms Company. It is used by many units and armies around the world, including the American Special Forces. It is also called the "Light Fifty" for its .50 caliber BMG (12.7 mm) chambering. US Marine sniper kills with the M107 Barret (quite disturbing): (edit: not a sniper video, it's a few scenes from this hunting video, on this site)


annom said...

That's a serious rifle. They even have a Tanya firing it.

cybrbeast said...

The video is not of a US sniper unless he's hunting. Humans don't fly away like that. This is a hunting video like these:

cybrbeast said...

The video is not of a US sniper unless he's hunting. Humans don't fly away like that. This is a hunting video like these.

cybrbeast said...

Hey, why can't I delete comments anymore?

dekus said...

Nice piece of detective work cybr...

cybrbeast said...
