Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Electrical Current Used to Control Human Walk

Walking upright separates humans from most other creatures. Our bipedal gait is a wonder of balance but it remains unclear exactly how our brains manage to maintain this posture and use it to arrive at desired destinations. Now researchers have shown that the balance mechanisms of our inner ears play a decisive role in directing the human walk, as well as demonstrating that blindfolded volunteers can be steered by simple electrical current.
"By manually adjusting the stimulus intensity and polarity we could, by remote radio control, steer freely walking subjects so that they kept to the paths and avoided obstacles for periods of many minutes."
Here is a nice article about Brain-Control Chips.
"In one instance, Delgado forced a charging bull to skid to a halt only a few feet away from him by stimulating its caudate nucleus."


ExpendableAsset said...

I heard Dr. Mengele was looking for an intern.

cybrbeast said...

hehe :)

Looks like great technology, but a bit scary maybe