Monday, June 18, 2007

If you see life through an LCD, then know your friend is a MAC or PC

MAC or PC, no fight gets bigger!


ExpendableAsset said...

"posted by ExpendableAsset at..." in italics and fucked-up format. WTH?

Anyways, I thought this was a pretty cool production, provided a decent laugh.

annom said...

The clip needs some titties though!

pimp-a-lot bear said...

titties indeed.
I find hard to focus on a clip when there aren't any titties in it.

Still watcheable.

Kamiel said...

that where the first 4 minutes clip i saw without a tittie. GIVE ME MY 4 MINUTES BACK!
Anyway why are pc users always nerds?
anyway if you got all the mac/pc cliché in a clip. Why don't put a rap cliché in a clip and pimp it up with some titties!