Thursday, December 22, 2011
Do rate movies you watch on IMDb?
I'd like to know the movies you watched in 2011 and rated 8 or higher, if you don't use IMDb, then maybe you can remember your favorites of 2011.
These are mine, all of them are 8s, I had no 9s in 2011.
Hobo with a Shotgun
Get Low
Win Win
X-Men: First Class
Rise of the Planet of the Apes
True Grit
The Social Network
My biggest disappointment was Drive, which is rated 8.1 and I rated 4.
I rated about 20 movies in 2011.
The Diving Bell and the Butterfly (2007)
Kick-Ass (2010)
The King's Speech (2010)
Inception (2010)
The Social Network (2010)
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011)
and the 8 hour mini-series John Adams (2008)
Biggest disappointment:
Battle for Haditha (2007)
I don't rate movies at this moment on imdb, i will start today. The best movies i watched in 2011
8s would be:
The King's Speech
True Grit
Celda 211
Toy story 3
Biggest disappointment :
The Town
How does he sit down with balls that big?
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Friday, December 16, 2011
Nationale Wetenschapsquiz 2011 (5/5)
De laatste drie vragen staan nu ook in het forum! Zondag 23:59 moet je foutloze inzending binnen zijn.
Vraag 13: Als je een theedoek nat maakt, wordt hij donkerder van kleur. Laat je hem drogen dan wordt hij weer lichter. Wat veroorzaakt deze kleurverandering?
A. | Het water fungeert als een soort glasvezel waardoor het licht diep doordringt in het materiaal | |
B. | Doordat de brekingsindex van water dicht bij die van textiel ligt neemt de verstrooiing af | |
C. | Water absorbeert meer rood en groen licht dan textiel |
Vraag 14: Je hebt drie doosjes met bonbons. In het ene zitten twee witte bonbons, in het andere zitten twee pure bonbons en in het derde doosje zitten een pure en een witte bonbon. Je kiest willekeurig één van de drie doosjes en pakt daaruit ook weer willekeurig één van de twee bonbons. Die bonbon is wit. Wat is nu de kans dat de andere bonbon in het gekozen doosje ook wit is?
A. | 1/3 | |
B. | 1/2 | |
C. | 2/3 |
Vraag 15: Een schip dat drinkwater vervoert ligt te wachten in een grote zeesluis. Door een gat in het schip stroomt zeewater het schip in. Om te voorkomen dat het schip gaat zinken, pompt de bemanning het drinkwater de sluis in. Er stroomt net zoveel water het schip in, als de bemanning wegpompt. Het waterniveau in de sluis:
A. | Stijgt | |
B. | Daalt | |
C. | Blijft gelijk |
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Nationale Wetenschapsquiz 2011 (4/5)
Vraag 10: Een grijs beeldscherm is gevuld met willekeurig geplaatste zwarte en witte stippen. Op het scherm verschijnt steeds een nieuw beeldje waarbij de stippen iets naar rechts zijn verplaatst. We zien dan de stippen vloeiend naar rechts bewegen. Wat gebeurt er nu met de beweging als we bij elk even beeldje (nummer twee, vier, zes, etc.) de witte stippen zwart maken en de zwarte stippen wit?
A. | We zien dezelfde beweging maar sterk versneld | |
B. | We zien geen beweging omdat je hersenen geen eenduidige verplaatsing zien | |
C. | We zien de bewegingsrichting omdraaien |
Vraag 11: Je hebt de keuze om voor het eerst op een ouderwetse hoge bi (vélocipède) of op een moderne ligfiets te rijden. Op welke van deze twee fietsen kun je het makkelijkst je evenwicht bewaren?
A. | De hoge bi | |
B. | De ligfiets | |
C. | Maakt niet uit, op beide is het even moeilijk |
Vraag 12: Een 35-jarige man transplanteert schaamhaar naar zijn hoofd om de snel oprukkende kaalheid, die in zijn familie veel voorkomt, te bestrijden. Hoe ziet hij er tien jaar later uit?
A. | Kaal: het schaamhaar valt net als het hoofdhaar uit | |
B. | Behaard: het schaamhaar zit er nog maar de kans op krullen is heel groot | |
C. | Behaard: het schaamhaar zit er nog en heeft vorm en kleur van het hoofdhaar overgenomen |
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Nationale Wetenschapsquiz 2011 (3/5)
Vraag 7: Het is alsof bomen weten waar andere bomen staan. Hoe komt het dat volwassen bomen elkaar niet verdrukken of met hun takken tegen elkaar aan staan?
A. | Ze detecteren signaalstoffen die de buurbomen via hun wortels afgeven aan het grondwater | |
B. | Ze detecteren het lichtspectrum dat van hun buurbomen afkomt | |
C. | Ze detecteren de zuurstof die door hun buurbomen via fotosynthese wordt geproduceerd |
A. | Sophokles | |
B. | Shakespeare | |
C. | Goethe |
A. | Er verandert niets | |
B. | Tussen de 2 en 3 meter | |
C. | Tussen de 7 en 8 meter |
Friday, December 09, 2011
Nationale Wetenschapsquiz 2011 (2/5)
Vraag 4 t/m 6 staan inmiddels ook in het forum.
Vraag 4: Je druppelt voorzichtig een waterdruppel van 1 millimeter groot op een metalen plaat waarvan de temperatuur ver onder het vriespunt ligt. Wat is de vorm van de ijsdruppel die zal ontstaan?
A. | De druppel krijgt een perfecte bolle bovenkant | |
B. | De druppel vloeit plat uit en bevriest dan als een soort pannenkoek | |
C. | De druppel krijgt een spitse bovenkant |
Vraag 5: Een gps-satelliet wordt vlak voor zijn lancering altijd zo ingesteld dat de interne klok net een fractie langzamer loopt dan klokken op aarde. Waarom doet men dat?
A. | Om te compenseren voor de hoge snelheid van de satelliet | |
B. | Om te compenseren voor de veranderde zwaartekracht op de satelliet | |
C. | Om te compenseren voor de lage temperatuur van de satelliet |
Vraag 6: Je hebt je shirt binnenstebuiten aan en je handen zijn aan elkaar vastgebonden met handboeien. Is het mogelijk om je shirt goed te krijgen zonder je handen los te maken?
A. | Ja, dat kan, na wat moeite zit je shirt weer goed | |
B. | Nee, dat kan niet want je shirt eindigt ondersteboven | |
C. | Nee, dat kan niet want je shirt eindigt achterstevoren |
Sunday, December 04, 2011
Nationale Wetenschapsquiz 2011 (1/5)
Netzoals vorig jaar zijn er 15 vragen en dit keer moet je inzending uiterlijk op zondag 18 december om 23:59 binnen zijn. Dat betekent dat je vanaf vandaag nog 14 dagen hebt om je inzending foutloos te krijgen!
Omdat we vorig jaar akelig dicht bij de eindoverwinning waren (slechts 1 fout!) en we natuurlijk niet onze eigen winkansen willen marginaliseren moeten we het dit jaar misschien iets geheimzinniger aanpakken.
Ik heb op ons forum de eerste drie vragen neergezet en ik wil voorstellen om daar onze eindoverwinning uit te werken.
Vraag 1: Na het inschenken van de drank stijgen champagnebelletjes sneller op dan bierbelletjes van dezelfde grootte. Hoe komt dat?
A. | Door de hogere viscositeit van het bier | |
B. | Doordat bierbelletjes bij het opstijgen 'beplakt' raken met eiwitten waardoor ze een hogere weerstand ondervinden | |
C. | Door de hogere gasdruk in champagnebelletjes waardoor de opwaartse kracht groter is |
A. | De zwemtijden gaan allemaal evenveel omhoog | |
B. | De zwemtijden komen verder uit elkaar te liggen | |
C. | De zwemtijden komen dichter bij elkaar te liggen |
A. | Ja | |
B. | Nee, gemiddeld hebben hun vrienden meer vrienden dan zij | |
C. | Nee, gemiddeld hebben hun vrienden minder vrienden dan zij |
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Google Maps indoor
Sunday, November 27, 2011
What could possibly go wrong?
Pretty Timelapses
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Real prospects for life extension
She is 56 years, I wonder if she is secretly testing her findings on herself, or if it's just her genes or diet that makes her look younger.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Kitty City
Monday, November 14, 2011
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Sunday, November 06, 2011
Wednesday, November 02, 2011
Hello Terminator
Article. This robot was made by Boston Dynamics who also made BigDog and AlphaDog which we blogged previously. It seems like robots are finally catching up to human mobility.
It seems as if the goal of the RoboCup challenge might be completed earlier than expected:
By mid-21st century, a team of fully autonomous humanoid robot soccer players shall win the soccer game, complying with the official rule of the FIFA, against the winner of the most recent World Cup.The movement of the robots used in RoboCup 2011 look pathetic compared to this.
I can imagine them using similar software similar to Google's autonomous car (RBB link) to navigate and patrol the streets. Watson-like technology (RBB link) to interpret and answer questions. I wouldn't be surprised if US army black projects already have more advanced robots than these.
So will they become our servants or destroy us all? It looks scary enough.
Fairly projecting the world
The reason why people usually don't realize how big Africa truly is, is because of the map projections commonly used to show the Earth. Projecting a sphere in 2D is a difficult task and will always have some some compromises. Often the Mercator projection was used.
The Mercator projection distorts the size and shape of large objects, as the scale increases from the Equator to the poles, where it becomes infinite.
Greenland takes as much area on the map as Africa, when in fact Africa's area is approximately 14 times greater than Greenland.
The Gall-Peterson projection is the other extreme. In this projection the landmasses have their actual size compared to each other, but there is a lot of distortion. Here the huge size of Africa is immediately clear.
The Robinson projection is a map projection of a world map, which shows the entire world at once. It was specifically created in an attempt to find a good compromise to the problem of readily showing the whole globe as a flat image.
More about map projections.
Friday, October 28, 2011
The Beginning of The End
Must be The Beginning of The End...
Click on the titel for better bass!
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Epic VR setup
Monday, October 24, 2011
OSX vs Ubuntu
Mac OS X:
Kodiak, Cheetah, Puma, Jaguar, Panther, Tiger, Leopard, Snow Leopard, Lion.
Warty Warthog, Hoary Hedgehog, Breezy Badger, Dapper Drake, Edgy Eft, Feisty Fawn, Gutsy Gibbon, Hardy Heron, Intrepid Ibex, Jaunty Jackalope, Karmic Koala, Lucid Lynx, Maverick Meerkat, Natty Narwhal, Oneiric Ocelot.
European map of Flickr and Twitter locations

Apparently we Dutchies have a lot to say and don't really care much about our own privacy as we tend to preach. Or am I missing something here?
Amazing image manipulation, but still no enhance
Saturday, October 08, 2011
Tuesday, October 04, 2011
The Dog is getting bigger
The AlphaDog, as they’re calling it, was created to be basically the practical version of BigDog, which, while compelling and scary, was too loud and couldn’t carry enough stuff. AlphaDog, on the other hand, will carry 400 pounds of gear for 20 miles in a day, without needing to be refueled. -Article
Monday, October 03, 2011
Friday, September 30, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Worlds Largest Ship
The Maersk Triple E class is a planned family of large, fuel-efficient container ships, designed as a successor to the Mærsk E-class. In February 2011, Maersk awarded Daewoo Shipbuilding a US$1.9 billion contract to build twenty of the ships.
The 'normal' E-Class is currently the largest containership class, some illustrative pictures:
side view, engine, camshaft and pistons. Stern, superstructure and super structure on fire!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Waar gaat mijn belasting naar toe?
Monday, September 12, 2011
America can't be considered a civilized country - Part IV
Sunday, September 11, 2011
It's not new, but some of you may not yet be aware of its existence... Makes life easier.
Kerbal Space Program
Kerbal Space Program is a multi-genre game where the player can create his own space program. In KSP, you must build a space-worthy craft, capable of flying it's crew out into space, without killing them. At your disposal is a collection of parts, which must be assembled to create a functional ship. Each part has it's own function and will affect the way a ship flies (or doesn't). So strap yourself in, and get ready to try some Rocket Science! Main Features:The game is still in development, but it's already a lot of fun, and it can be downloaded for free. Below there are some videos of people doing it wrong. There are also videos of people doing well, but it's more fun to find out yourself how to build a good rocket. I've so far failed at going orbital. It is definitely possible to orbit, use transfer orbits, and deorbit, as this video shows. There are also tips on the forum. I did manage to reach a virtual escape velocity, going vertically at 2800m/s, it did slowly tick down so I guess it would land again after weeks if not more of waiting :) I really like building the rockets and also experimenting with silly designs. I love how the different stages detach and how rockets can spin out of control. PRO-TIP: In the assembly building there is a circle button on the top left which you can click to the desired symmetry and then the parts you attach will instantly be spaced that way. The future of this game also looks bright with all the planned features, such as much more rocket parts, and all kinds of missions such as satellite deployment, or landing on the moon and other planets.
- The Vehicle Assembly Building. Allows players to build spacecraft out of any imaginable combination of parts.
- Fully-fledged, Physics-based Flight Simulation ensures everything will fly (and crash) as it should.
- Procedural Terrain delivers detailed terrain at a vast scale. The Kerbal Planet is 600km in radius!
- Mod-enabled, allows players to create new content and modify the game.
- Ship systems. Keep an eye out for engine temperatures and fuel levels, and try not to explode.
- Build ships with multiple stages, and jettison parts away as they burn out.
- Full control over the staging sequence allows for complex ships and advanced functionality.
Thursday, September 08, 2011
Wednesday, September 07, 2011
Tuesday, September 06, 2011
Mortal Kombat returns to form
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
Friday, August 26, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Monday, August 22, 2011
Weird Audio Illusion
Sunday, August 21, 2011
"A-Camp in Rainbow Gatherings
Consumption of alcohol is generally frowned upon and not permitted at the gatherings (although use of other intoxicants is frequent and widespread). A distinguishing characteristic of the U.S. national gatherings is "A-Camp," (meaning "alcohol camp") typically located near the front gate, where those who want to drink alcohol can stay. Gatherings in Europe do not have "A-Camps." Some gatherings in Canada have "A-Camps" and some do not. Wine is tolerated in moderation at some European gatherings, particularly in France, where it is customary to drink wine with the evening meal."
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Train Travel Times Map (NL)
It was just some fun scripting (Python) and crude plotting (Matlab) for me. A total of 200 lines of code. I am aware the plots are not the best way to visualise this, but I am probably not going to spend more time on it, unless there would be a practical use for these graphs, so here they are.
Distances between train stations and the "central station" are train travel times. Click for large size plz.
From Utrecht Centraal to x
From Delft to x
From Groningen to x
From Stavoren to x
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Cool anti aids comercial
AIDES - Sexy Fingers from Sven Karelsen
Thursday, July 21, 2011
RC Helicopters and Cameras
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Meisjes met ijsjes - Discodip
Is dit de nieuwe zomerhit? Hij staat iig op de shortlist van mn mixtape.
Andere plaatjes die worden getipt als zomerhit:
En hier nog een overzicht met alle genomineerden
Monday, July 18, 2011
Apple vs HTC (Android)
"Apple on Friday dealt a serious legal blow to HTC and the Android platform in general. A U.S. International Trade Commission judge has ruled that HTC infringed on two patents Apple submitted in a March 2010 complaint.
The two patents relate to how data is processed. The first patent is described as a “system and method for performing an action on a structure in computer-generated data,” which Apple says applies, for example, to tapping a phone number and being prompted options to call or look it up on the web. The second is described as a “real-time signal processing system for serially transmitted data,” which Apple says relates to data processed in real-time applications." ~ read more...
Original post (16 March 2010):
Apple has sued Nokia and others before. It now sues HTC for its Android smartphones. Most are software related so a direct attack on Google's Android. Are they too scared to sue Google? Here is how engadget describes some of the 20 patent claims:
"According to the claims, it's a method of moving a GUI object along a path with a non-constant velocity for a period of time"
"scroll behavior: starting a scroll in a single direction locks you in that direction, but starting it at an angle lets you pan around freely"
"unlocking a touchscreen device by moving an unlock image."
"it's technical to the point where we don't feel comfortable saying exactly what it means, but it covers building graphics objects with a processor and outputting them through various means."
"a system specifically described in the abstract as presenting a context-sensitive menu on the screen."
"'983 is from 2001 and describes an OS in which apps can access native system services and those services can make use of data associated with an object."
"it covers parsing data for known structures like phone numbers, address, and dates, and then taking action with that data."
"it hits on the idea that a foreground app can direct a background process to go do some task while the foreground app remains responsive."
Fuck, they may as well sue Microsoft for Windows. Oh wait, they already did in 1994.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Wikipedia trivia
Wikipedia trivia: if you take any article, click on the first link in the article text not in parentheses or italics, and then repeat, you will eventually end up at "Philosophy".I tried it a few times and it worked. From the alt-text of this XKCD comic.
The city Amsterdam photoshop their self greener
Thursday, July 14, 2011
'Lost' rainbow toad rediscovered

The Sambas Stream toad is also known as the Bornean rainbow toad, with the scientific name Ansonia latidisca. The long-legged, multicolored toad was described by European explorers in the 1920s, and was last seen in 1924. Das' team identified three individuals — an adult female, an adult male and a juvenile, ranging in size from roughly an inch to 2 inches (30 to 51 millimeters).
Wednesday, July 06, 2011
Tuesday, July 05, 2011
Saturday, July 02, 2011
Google Bid π Billion Dollars for Patents
In the rest of the auction Google also bet the distance between the earth and the sun and a few other odd values.
So was Google serious or just bored or providing a hint to anyone paying attention.
Google lost the auction, by they way, and a group of six companies - Apple, Microsoft, RIM, EMC, Ericsson and Sony - finally paid $4.5 billion.
Friday, July 01, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
TED: Google's driverless car
Nevada OK's Google self-driving robotic cars
The future may be approaching sooner than expected with Nevada passing a bill that would allow the state's DOP, Department of Transportation, to setup rules and safety standards for automated self-driving cars. The government decision could be a proactive step towards increasing state income, reducing traffic, and trailblazing the introduction of self-driving vehicles in the U.S.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Nyan cat just became more epic

Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Drawing vs LSD
Monday, June 20, 2011
Friday, June 17, 2011
Hurcules the Liger, the largest cat in the world
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Data porn
Sunday, June 12, 2011
The Biggest Mirror in the World

Thursday, June 09, 2011
Wednesday, June 08, 2011
1,200 custom-designed cars race around the large scale sculpture metropolis II by artist chris burden. the piece will soon be exhibited at the los angeles county museum of art on a long-term loan. the huge kinetic sculpture contains a massive roadway in which the small toy cars race around. the road system contains 18 lanes with 13 toy trains and a variety of buildings made from lego and lincoln logs. the whole system is designed to mimic a real freeway.
Which Places Have the Most reddit Addicts? And Global reddit Meetup Day!
Most addicted/engaged countries by avg. pageviews per visit (reddit's Google Analytics, Jan-May 2011):On June 25 there is a global reddit meetup, with one of the meeting places being Amsterdam. I'm seriously thinking of going, anyone with me?Canada: 15.72 United States: 15.46 Denmark: 13.99 Norway: 13.81 Sweden: 13.34 Netherlands: 12.89 United Kingdom: 12.86 Ireland: 12.57 Belgium: 11.98 Finland: 11.27
Tuesday, June 07, 2011
Plan of the City
PLAN OF THE CITY from Joshua Frankel on Vimeo.
Beautiful combination of video and audio.Thursday, June 02, 2011
Cool blog i found
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Monday, May 30, 2011
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Bear Grylls turns a dead seal into a wet suit
Friday, May 27, 2011
Never burn a toast anymore

Thursday, May 26, 2011
Monday, May 16, 2011
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Very Long Truck
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
40 stacks of books from Earth to Neptune
"Three years ago, the world's 27 million business servers processed 9.57 zettabytes, or 9,570,000,000,000,000,000,000 bytes of information.
Researchers at the School of International Relations and Pacific Studies and the San Diego Supercomputer Center at the University of California, San Diego, estimate that the total is equivalent to a 5.6-billion-mile-high stack of books stretching from Earth to Neptune and back to Earth, repeated about 20 times.
By 2024, business servers worldwide will annually process the digital equivalent of a stack of books extending more than 4.37 light-years to Alpha Centauri, according to a report compiled by the scientists.
As large as the numbers may seem, the three scientists who worked on the report stated that their server workload figures may be low because server industry sales figures don't fully account for the millions of servers built in-house by Google, Microsoft, Yahoo and other companies using individual component parts ." - read more...
Saturday, May 07, 2011
The first real zombie proof house


Friday, May 06, 2011
Thursday, May 05, 2011
Tuesday, May 03, 2011
Euthanasia Coaster
" “Euthanasia Coaster” is a hypothetic euthanasia machine in the form of a roller coaster, engineered to humanely – with elegance and euphoria – take the life of a human being. Riding the coaster’s track, the rider is subjected to a series of intensive motion elements that induce various unique experiences: from euphoria to thrill, and from tunnel vision to loss of consciousness, and, eventually, death. Thanks to the marriage of the advanced cross-disciplinary research in space medicine, mechanical engineering, material technologies and, of course, gravity, the fatal journey is made pleasing, elegant and meaningful. " read more...