Monday, October 22, 2007


I supported some bloody animal fight with $1 by going to a Cockfight in Otavalo, Ecuador. There were only 5 tourists; most people had gamecocks and play this "sport". They bet and play for fun and they don't need any money from visitors to keep playing.

The rules are simple. The cocks fight in a ring. The game ends when a cock dies, runs away scared, is too tired or when 20 minutes have passed.

They put metal spikes on the legs to make the fight more fun and lethal.

Here is a movie I made of part of the fight. This is all they do, it is very repetitive. It is a bit boring and I had seen enough after 3 fights.
Click title for my cockfight pic gallery....


cybrbeast said...

PETA is not going to like our blog :)
Why do they paint to floor red? It makes cleaning easier sure, but it doesn't show the blood.

Kamiel said...

pretty nasty but some real culture. Never knew that it took so long thought it was over in some secs with that razors on there feeds.

pimp-a-lot bear said...

How long does the average fight last?

BTW, I miss the hollywood special effects.