Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Stupid people, stupid world... Part deux

Try and arm wrestle this Analcamel!


pimp-a-lot bear said...

has he got cancer?
I feel sorry for him.

cybrbeast said...

Is this "Stupid people, stupid world... Part 2", btw? :)

Check this sick fuck out:

"Valentino was featured in "The Man Whose Arms Exploded", a TLC documentary highlighting the use and abuse of steroids. In the documentary he recalls his misuse of steroids, namely not taking precautions necessary to prevent infection. Consequently he eventually came down with a very serious infection of his right biceps. After failed attempts to drain the hematoma himself, using the same needles he used to inject his steroids, and "filling two glasses with blood and pus" he sought emergency medical treatment. Ultimately his arm was saved, at the cost of a significant reduction in the size and shape of the biceps."

ExpendableAsset said...

Steroids are bad - mmm'kay?

dekus said...

Sorry, I should have mentioned this in the title...

Better late then never. :)