Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Spotting Emotional Manipulation

This might come in handy in a world full of manipulators. Eight ways to spot them.
What is emotional manipulation? Well, emotional manipulation is a method of using words, body language and behavior for the purposes of provoking a particular reaction, getting a desired response or to just plain ol’ screw you over. If the emotional blackmailer is any good, he’ll having you offering to bend over and be fucked one more time, "anything you want dear." Lets talk about how an emotional manipulator works and how to recognize the game (because it very much IS a game) so you can reset your bullshit meter and safeguard against possible attack.


cybrbeast said...

That's a very interesting read. Thanks.

ExpendableAsset said...




My mother fits nearly ALL those criterea.

cybrbeast said...

And since you're frequently being a spelling Nazi, I'd just like to point out that it's criteria :P

ExpendableAsset said...

I'm sorry...

cybrbeast said...

It's okay, I forgive you, this time...