Not bad for a 64-year old man. It looks like he's still playing the game.
from wiki James Randi (born August 7, 1928), stage name The Amazing Randi, is a stage magician and scientific skeptic best known as a debunker of pseudoscience. Born Randall James Hamilton Zwinge, in Toronto, Canada, Randi is the creator of the James Randi Educational Foundation's million dollar challenge offering a prize US$1,000,000 to anyone who can demonstrate evidence of any paranormal, supernatural or occult power or event, under test conditions agreed to by both parties. More...Many more exposed frauds, hoaxes and paranormal events can be found at the James Randi Educational Foundation — Home Page
What is emotional manipulation? Well, emotional manipulation is a method of using words, body language and behavior for the purposes of provoking a particular reaction, getting a desired response or to just plain ol’ screw you over. If the emotional blackmailer is any good, he’ll having you offering to bend over and be fucked one more time, "anything you want dear." Lets talk about how an emotional manipulator works and how to recognize the game (because it very much IS a game) so you can reset your bullshit meter and safeguard against possible attack.
The idea is simple, yet often neglected. When financial resources are limited you need to prioritize your effort. Everyday, from policymakers to business leaders, at all levels, priorities are made between investing in one project and not another. However, many times, and particularly at the political level, decisions on priorities are made not based on facts, science or calculations but on which issue gets the most media coverage or is most politisized. The Copenhagen Consensus approach works to improve the foundation of knowledge, to get an overview of research and facts within a given problem, so that the prioritizing of efforts to solve this problem is based on evidence and is comparable with solutions across problems.Global warming appears not to be the highest priority.
Visual imagery can tell stories and truths which would be very hard to capture and communicate otherwise.Today I present to you Google's Gapminder:
Liquidmetal and Vitreloy are commercial names of a series of amorphous metal alloys developed by a California Institute of Technology research team, now marketed by a firm that the team organized called Liquidmetal Technologies. The alloys contain atoms of significantly different sizes, leading to low free volume (and therefore high viscosity) when melted. The viscosity prevents the atoms moving enough to form an ordered lattice. The material structure also results in low shrinkage during cooling, and resistance to plastic deformation.Cool stuff. Amorphous metal alloys are actually metallic glass.
A jury sentenced a teacher to 40 year in prison because she exposed her students to porn pop-ups during a internet lesson. According to a "computer-expert" she is guilty because she visited the porn sites prior to have children using the computers. Plus the filter that was supposed to block these site was outdated, the license had run out... On top of that the jury thought that the teacher should have turned the computers off when the first pop-up hit the screen.It is not illegal to visit porn sites, it's not clever to do this at school and it may be against school policy but it's not illegal. The outdated license is not her responsibility, that would be the school who is supposed to make sure there software is updated frequently. NOW WHY WOULD SOMEONE SENTENCE HER TO 40 FUCKING YEARS FOR THIS??????? that's all most half her natural life on this earth spend behind bars because of some porn pop-ups... On the 2nd of March the judge will be giving her final sentence and the defense lawyer has sad to go to higher court no mater what the sentence....
Jennifer Strange, 28, was found dead Friday in her suburban Rancho Cordova home hours after taking part in the “Hold Your Wee for a Wii” contest in which KDND 107.9 promised a Nintendo Wii video game system for the winner.
Mandarin Ducks breed in densely wooded areas near shallow lakes, marshes or ponds. They nest in cavities in trees close to water. Shortly after the ducklings hatch, their mother flies to the ground and coaxes the ducklings to leap from the nest. David Attenborough narrates.Spectaculair, when those little ducklings smack on the ground. I can't believe they're unharmed!
ACFI is a group of people working for the peoples right to it’s Internets. We have made progress in Ladonia and are now working on the Micronation of Sealand. Recently it was made clear that this country is for sale. To make sure the owners will be kopimistic and that the country won’t be governed by people that do not care about it’s future, we have come up with a plan. With the help of all the kopimists on Internets, we want to buy Sealand. Donate money and you will become a citizien. We’ve set up a forum to discuss how the country is supposed to function. — It should be a great place for everybody. With high-speed Internets access, no copyright laws and vip accounts to The Pirate Bay, press officer of ACFI says.A brief history lesson: The Princedom of Sealand is an man made island near the shore of the U.K. (near London) once constructed to be used as anti-aircraft emplacement. After the war in 1967 a Englishman confiscated it in order to start his own country: The Princedom of Sealand. The Principality has been in the news a couple of times because of a conflict with the Royal Navy, he scared them of with warning shots. Fake passports which he claims do not origin form his Island and a civil war with his own prime-minister and a dutch businessman, who started a coupe and ended with the Principality victorious and actual prisoners of war... Now the Prince of Sealand Roy Bates wants to sell it's island and the download site "The Pirate Bay" is interested. This would mean that The Pirate Bay could "legally" upload copyrighted data like movies and music due to the fact that the "country" the servers are based does not recognize copyrights. =) Just for the record, this is not "Stupid people, stupid world part 3". I personally applaud these actions, fuck the system! :P Greetz, DekuS
DEN HAAG - Het Nederlandse beleid om de verkoop en het gebruik van marihuana en hasj te gedogen, zal over tien jaar niet meer bestaan. Dat voorspelt minister Hans Hoogervorst van Volksgezondheid. Op een congres over drugsbeleid in Mexico zei hij te verwachten dat het Nederlandse drugsbeleid steeds strenger zal worden en uiteindelijk niet meer wezenlijk zal afwijken van dat in de rest van Europa. ,,Er onstaat steeds meer draagvlak voor een strikter alcohol- en tabaksbeleid in ons land'', zei Hoogervorst. ,,Een tolerant softdrugsbeleid ligt daardoor steeds minder voor de hand.''full article It's Dutch, but it's important. Hoogervorst is a complete fucktard, how can he call himself a liberal (VVD)? With CU and CDA in the cabinet there's a good chance it might happen. I certainly hope that PvdA doesn't allow them do that. Just when Europe is becoming more tolerant of marijuana this douche wants to restrict it.
Ali A Allawi was Minister of Trade and Minister of Defence in the Iraqi Governing Council Cabinet (2003-2004). He was in the Transitional National Assembly, and Minister of Finance, Transitional National Government of Iraq (2005-2006). His book, 'The Occupation of Iraq Winning the War, Losing the Peace' will be published in March
The scheme is hoping to put low-cost computers into the hands of people in developing countries. Ultimately the project's backers hope the machines could sell for as little as $100 (£55).
The laptop is powered by a 366-megahertz processor from Advanced Micro Devices and has built-in wireless networking. It has no hard disk drive and instead uses 512 MB of flash memory, and has two USB ports to which more storage could be attached.
The computer runs on a cut-down version of the open source Linux operating system and has been designed to work differently to a Microsoft Windows or Apple machine from a usability perspective.
French marchers say 'non' to 2007Like I said, the never-ending well of bullshit produced yet another ridiculous protest, as I understand it, I protest against time. I think that Annom and Cybrbeast can explain (a bit more than myself) that according to Einstein you can say that these people (and the rest of the f*cking world and universe) would probably not exist if it wasn't for the phenomenon "Time". Stupid French people... I hate stupid French people...Parodying the French readiness to say "non", the demonstrators in the western city of Nantes waved banners reading: "No to 2007" and "Now is better!" The marchers called on governments and the UN to stop time's "mad race" and declare a moratorium on the future. The protest was held in the rain and organisers joked that even the weather was against the New Year. The tension mounted as the minutes ticked away towards midnight - but the arrival of 2007 did nothing to dampen their enthusiasm. The protesters began to chant: "No to 2008!" They vowed to stage a similar protest on 31 December 2007 on the Champs-Elysees avenue in Paris.