Fifty studies were reviewed that surveyed opinions on teaching origins in public schools. The vast majority found about 90% of the public desired that both creation and evolution or creation only be taught in the public schools.
Percent of teachers who believe that creation should be taught in public schools:

In the Ohio State University sample, 80% felt other views besides Darwin’s should be given equal time in the classroom, and 81% of the Central Michigan University sample held this position.
60% of the secondary science teachers felt that non-Darwin views should be given equal time in class.
58% of the Ohio State University sample and 61% of the Central Michigan University sample did not view creationism as religion.
Summary of three studies into beliefs and academic experience of teachers in training. Data given as %:

There is no such thing as religious freedom in 'the land of the free'!
Religion is not to be taught in public schools, it is to be taught in churches.
According to the 2001 American Religious Identification Survey, 80% of the U.S. is Christian and 15% adhere to no religion or are Atheist/Agnostic. Other religions comprise 5% of the U.S. population. According to the CIA World Factbook, the U.S. is 78% Christian and 10% no religion, while other religions comprise 12% of the U.S. population
This 80% matches your 80%!
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