Saturday, May 31, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
who sayed that fastfood makes you fat
Here are the stats of the meal. One meal there equals 2,400 calories (4,5 big mac). That are more calories then an average women need for a day. Conclusion fast food restaurants are not the only that serve fat food.
On the other side, If you can buy for 250$ on big macs you can eat for a stunning 53,300 calories. Yummie!

Rainbowboys taking over Hawai!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Phoenix Mars Lander
Active control from Earth is not possible since it takes 10 minutes for a signal to reach Mars; the whole landing sequence took only 7 minutes. That means that it had already landed/crashed before ground control received the signals about the start of the atmosphere entry procedure.
"The mission has two goals. One is to study the geologic history of water, the key to unlocking the story of past climate change. The second is to search for evidence of a habitable zone that may exist in the ice-soil boundary, the "biological paydirt." " - wiki
One of the amazing things that I hoped would be possible is imaging a lander while performing its 7min landing on Mars, with a man made telescope satellite orbiting around Mars. Sounds like a hand-standing monkey on a goat on a cup on a tightrope to me. They did it, how cool is that? They designed the orbits of MRO(a Mars satellite with telescope) and Phoenix so that MRO could take pics of Phoenix's landing(decent on parachute).

Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008
Friday, May 23, 2008
Third red spot erupts on Jupiter

A third giant red storm has flared up on Jupiter, joining the Great Red Spot and the recently developed Red Spot Junior. The spot, along with new measurements of record-high wind speeds on Red Spot Junior, come at a time when the solar system's largest planet is experiencing a time of global upheaval.
Jupiter's Great Red Spot is an ancient, hurricane-like storm that may have been raging for 340 years or more, based on early observations with telescopes. At three times the width of Earth, it is the largest storm in the solar system.
It was recently joined by a similar, but smaller storm called Red Spot Junior. Red Spot Junior grew out of the merger of three smaller, white storms between 1998 and 2000 and turned red in 2006. It is about the size of Earth.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Kasparov Attacked by Flying Penis
Former World Chess Champion and Kremlin critic Garry Kasparov has been attacked by radio-controlled penis during a meeting of opposition activists. Around 700 opponents of the Kremlin were attending Kasparov’s address in Moscow at the weekend. Pro-Kremlin demonstrators decided to interrupt Kasparov’s address, designed to unite opposition political forces, by launching a rotor-assisted plastic phallus towards Mr Kasparov. [...] The prank was staged by "a couple of pro-Kremlin Young Russia activists" reports the Moscow Times. Mr Kasparov was unharmed. Kasparov laughed off the incident remarking that it was "below the belt" . ArticleThe pro-Kremlin protesters are basically the Putin Jugend.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Tracking How Far Soccer Players Run
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Common Agricultural Policy
The EU will spend 49bn euros (£33bn) on agriculture (subsidies) in 2005 (46% of the budget), while the OECD estimates the extra cost of food in 2003 at 55bn euros.That's 100 euro per citizen per year.
Today the EC announced plans to change the policy and lower the subsidies. Farmers aren't happy with that so let's see what happens (read: how long french farmers have to put their tractors on the highways to make them bend).
Odin IQ test - part 2
Monday, May 19, 2008
Things Younger Than John McClain
-"There is an entire site dedicated to things younger than McCain, these are my favorite in no particular order.
- Penicillin
- The Minimum Wage
- The Lincoln Tunnel
- BOTH of Barack Obama’s Parents
- The Area Code
- Nylon
- Velcro
- Israel
- FM Radio
- The Polio Vaccine
- Bugs Bunny
- Alaska
- Ronald Reagan"
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Best Clip I've Seen This Week
Odin IQ test - part 1
"moving animations" optical illusion
This optical illusion, works pretty simple and the effect is cool.
Crazy Rasberry Ants
DALLAS - In what sounds like a really low-budget horror film, voracious swarming ants that apparently arrived in Texas aboard a cargo ship are invading homes and yards across the Houston area, shorting out electrical boxes and messing up computers. The hairy, reddish-brown creatures are known as "crazy rasberry ants" -- crazy, because they wander erratically instead of marching in regimented lines, and "rasberry" after Tom Rasberry, an exterminator who did battle against them early on. Read more...
Saturday, May 17, 2008
IQ test for pets
Scientology Commercial
Friday, May 16, 2008
Thursday, May 15, 2008
two giant animals

I would have mount this cow and ride to india and life as a god there for the rest of my life.

this little piggy would be nice for a ride to the middle east
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Gnu vs a Team of Rhino's
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
pimped trafficlight of the future

This invention is made by lee han young
When i was searching for more information about this traffic light, i also found some information about a new dutch traffic light. This traffic light gives automatically green light for bicycles when it raining to hard. see here for some more information
Chaiten Lightning

As clouds of toxic ash and dust tower into the sky, they ionise the air, generating an explosive electrical storm. Colossal forks of lightning spark around the noxious plume as it spews from the volcano's crater, creating an image of raw, terrifying energy - as if the air itself were ablaze.More pretty pictures and text here. Most recent news article.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
AHN: Actual Height model of the Netherlands

Even though it was commissioned by the government it's not for free, but you can still find some nice images at their website.

Saturday, May 10, 2008
Chile’s Chaiten Volcano is shown spewing ash and smoke

SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) — The long-dormant Chaiten volcano blasted ash some 20 miles (30 kilometers) into the Andean sky on Tuesday, forcing thousands to evacuate and fouling a huge stretch of the South American continent.Google Earth link...
The thick column of ash climbed into the stratosphere and blew eastward for hundreds of miles (kilometers) over Patagonia to the Atlantic Ocean, forcing schools and a regional airport to close. Citizens of both countries were advised to wear masks to avoid breathing the dangerous fallout.
The five-day-old eruption is the first in at least 9,000 years for the volcano in southern Chile, according to volcanologists at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington.
Chilean officials ordered the total evacuation of Chaiten, a small provincial capital in an area of lakes and glacier-carved fjords just six miles (10 kilometers) from the roiling cloud.
Full AP article...
my last will
My last will
I want to be cremated and my ashes spread out over a field. I also want a statue of me on that same field. It doesn’t have to be a big statue, 3 meters will do. The statue also has to look like I was somebody important. The music isn’t very important on my funeral, you may ask for requests. The only song a want is I did it my way by Frank Sinatra. I also would like to have Bill Clinton to speech on my funeral. He has to tell how I could’ve solved world hunger and bring an end to poverty, how I could’ve cured cancer and aids and bring world peace if I wasn’t so lazy.
My possessions
My savings go to the anti-panda bear foundation, which I trust Annom and Cybrbeast to lead after I’m gone.
I want my life turned into a movie in which my part will be played by Sid Haig
Some last words
To my friends and Family
I love you all and I hope you’ll live long, healthy and happy lives. But remember if I died it’s partially your fault. You all knew this was a stupid idea and no one tried to stop me.
Cybrbeast: There is a future in drillings holes in the ground
Dekus: Don’t ever stop smoking. It will save your live one day
A-Pimp-named-slick: I guess you’ll have to build the bat bike alone
Douche: I always hated you; I always hated you the most
Kamielkaze: Grow fat again, you’re prettier that way.
ExpendableAsset: Where to start? It’s people like you that make me a racist. You deserve to be beaten repeatedly on the head with a golf club. I hope you die a very painful death in the near future. I can’t emphasize this enough. I HOPE YOU DIE.
Thursday, May 08, 2008

Wednesday, May 07, 2008
TED: The Pentagon's new map for war and peace
Simulation of a Type 1a Supernova
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Satellite photos show cyclone fury

The two satellite photos above from the US space agency Nasa show the devastating affect of Cyclone Nargis which swept over the Irrawaddy delta region of Myanmar on Saturday.
The image on the left taken in April 15 shows the Irrawaddy river flowing south and splitting into numerous distributaries.
Rivers and lakes are sharply defined against a backdrop of vegetation and fallow agricultural land.
The image on the right taken on May 5 shows the entire coastal plain is flooded after the area took a direct hit from the cyclone.
The city of Yangon (located by the red rectangle) is almost completely surrounded by floods.
Onager simulation
The input variables for the model are: mass of beam, mass of projectile, length of beam and length of rope.
While it may look like a simple problem, the mathematical description of the motion (equations of motion) of this system is rather complex. This is one of the two equations of motion:

And here are some animations of the motion when the moment on the arm is zero (no force on the rope). This is a chaotic system where very small changes in initial conditions result in a very different motion. This also means that small computation errors (for example the limited number of digits used in a computer or the error of the numerical integration) result in a different motion. It should behave natural though.
very large mass
equal mass beam and weight
animation of system on earth.
same system but on the moon.
I don't really have an easy way to verify my model other than by visual inspection.
Free Nine Inch Nails album - The Slip

as a thank you to our fans for your continued support, we are giving away the new nine inch nails album one hundred percent free, exclusively via here...
the music is available in a variety of formats including high-quality MP3, FLAC or M4A lossless at CD quality and even higher-than-CD quality 24/96 WAVE. your link will include all options - all free. all downloads include a PDF with artwork and credits.
for those of you interested in physical products, fear not. we plan to make a version of this release available on CD and vinyl in july. details coming soon.
zombie survival guide
Monday, May 05, 2008
Sunday, May 04, 2008
The Color Marketing Group

Color Marketing Group, founded in 1962, is a not-for-profit, international Association of 1,100 Color Designers involved in the use of color as it applies to the profitable marketing of goods and services.
CMG’s major focus is to identify the direction of color and design trends. CMG members then "translate" that information into salable colors for manufactured products.
CMG's Consumer and Contract Color Directions Forecasts are developed annually through the collaborative efforts of approximately 400 members that attend CMG's Conference.
This unique method of color forecasting is an ongoing process and begins well before CMG members convene. Conference registrants develop individual forecasts that encapsulate a wide variety of influences or trends that each Color Designer identifies within his or her industry.
More than 400 CMG members from around the world collaborate during two International Conferences each year to analyze color trends.
Color Forecast Workshops take place concurrently in which CMG members interpret the direction of color and influences ranging from the economy, the environment, politics, sports, demographics, social issues, technology to cultural events, worldwide.
Following a day-long discussion of the many influences on colors and the shifts likely to occur in the coming years, a Color Forecast is developed from each of the Workshops.
Through a Steering Committee, these Workshop Forecasts are consolidated into a final Forecast.

How do the CMG members choose their colors? The official line is that they look at economic trends (pastels in bad times, saturated colors in good times) and also examine social trends. What this boils down to is six hundred people sitting around in small groups, trying to figure out the next big thing. Gray, for example, was chosen in part because of the craze for technology and space-age stuff as the millennium approaches: "People associate gray with futuristic things like silvery metallics and anodized aluminum," a CMG spokeswoman said. And why blue? "Water is a big social issue, what with the current emphasis on designer water and water conservation."
The Color Marketing Group forecasts up to three years. In my opinion, it's a self-fulfilling prophecy. Nobody is obliged to follow CMG's colors, but a manufacturer who ignores them is likely to find that all his competitors’ products are in fashionably colors, while his own clash.
So if most manufacturers are using the CMG colors, it clearly isn't a coincidence your window covering choices match perfectly with your carpet choices.
background article (Dutch)