- Mosul Dam is Middle East's fourth largest dam in reservoir capacity and Iraq's largest
- Key component in Iraq's national power grid, with four 200 megawatt (MW) turbines generating 320 MW of electricity a day
- Built on water-soluble gypsum, which causes seepage. Subsequent erosion creates cavities beneath dam that must be plugged or "grouted" on a regular basis or dam will fail, say experts
- Array of piezometers have been deployed to measure water pressure and leakage
- Seismic equipment provides information to monitor dam's stability
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
The best material to build a 2km dam on...
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
xRez: Extreme Resolution
Test Panel

try this,
I added a waterline in the glass to actually make them look more like wineglasses.
I added bubbles to make it look like champagne instead of normal wine.
Adding an explosion type thing is kinda hard with only white lines, but I did what I could.
edit dekus:
As a reply to wiki's last comment, I made one with the glasses in the center, though I also added people which I'm not very pleased with so thats why this design didn't make it. I have to present this assignment tomorrow so any good thoughts are still welcome!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Great Pre-flight Safety Announcement
Friday, October 26, 2007
James Randi and Project Alpha
Project Alpha was a hoax orchestrated by the stage magician and skeptic James Randi. It involved planting two fake psychics, Steve Shaw and Michael Edwards, into a paranormal research project. The researchers became convinced that the pair's psychic powers were real. The hoax was later revealed publicly.Wikipedia has a really interesting article on this project. Gotta love Randi and how he destroyed the pseudoscientific parapsychology field.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
>10,000 people enjoyed my sperm!
Google video views: 5,153
YouTube views: 8,716
[ ] Watch Titanic without laughing when Leonardo dies
[x] Let more than 10,000 people view my sperm
[ ] Receive a male blow job
[ ] Shoot a cow with a bazooka
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Ecuador in Panoramas

Masturbation Lesson
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
I tried it out with at rsizr.com. I used the preserve tool on the people in the image:

Monday, October 22, 2007
Google Body
This is a new program from google coming up. Its a digital body where you can tour around in . Kinda like google earth. Its not realy my interest but think if you are an amateur doctor you would like it.

The rules are simple. The cocks fight in a ring. The game ends when a cock dies, runs away scared, is too tired or when 20 minutes have passed.
They put metal spikes on the legs to make the fight more fun and lethal.
Here is a movie I made of part of the fight. This is all they do, it is very repetitive. It is a bit boring and I had seen enough after 3 fights.
Record poll win for Swiss right
The right-wing Swiss People's Party has won the most votes recorded in a Swiss general election, despite a campaign marred by accusations of racism.Click title to read more...
The SVP, already the country's largest party, won 29% of the vote and gained seven seats on the National Council.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Special vest lets players feel video game blows

A US surgeon working on a "tele-health" breakthrough has devised a way for video game warriors to feel shots, stabs, slams, and hits dealt to their on-screen characters.
A vest designed by doctor Mark Ombrellaro uses air pressure and feedback from computer games to deliver pneumatic thumps to the spots on players' torsos where they would have been struck were they actually on the battlefields.
The "3rd Space" vest will make its US debut in November at a price of 189 dollars. It will be launched with the first-person shooter game "Call of Duty" and a custom-made title.
"It was originally designed as a medical device," Ombrellaro told AFP while letting gamers try the vest at the E for All video game exposition in Los Angeles.
"To give medical exams via the Internet to prisoners, the elderly, those in rural communities and other isolated people."
The medical version of the vest is more sophisticated, enabling doctors sitting at their computers to prod, poke and press patients' bodies from afar and get feedback on what they are virtually feeling, according to Ombrellaro.
Full Article...
Friday, October 19, 2007
Het Gesprek: Maarten van Rossem
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Virtual Earth 3D buildings

Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Colbert for President!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Time Fountain - Optical Illusion
This device creates the illusion that a simple stream of water droplets can defy the known laws of physics. By controlling a set of flickering LEDs, the dripping water can appear to slow down, freeze in mid-air, and even reverse in direction. This illusion exists because the brain attempts to fill in the gaps between flashes with its anticipated motion. It is the same reason that your brain interprets the 24 frames/second of a movie to be in-motion, rather than recognizing the individual still frames . The credit for this device belongs to Nate True. You can learn how to build your own, or buy one at: http://cre.ations.net/creation/the-time-fountainWhat an awesome trip toy this would make, I want one!
Monday, October 15, 2007
The Eden Project
More info @ wiki. My panorama photo was taken from exactly the same place as the one on wiki that's why they look so similar.

Friday, October 12, 2007
Verkoop verse paddo's verboden
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Not sure if this was already bin posted but couldn't find it anywhere. Beachbeasts is an project of the dutch artist Theo Jansen. He study physics at the university of delft but when he finish he focus on making art. You see a lot of physics in his art so the study wasn't totally a waste of time.
The idea of his beachbeasts is to create a new kind of life at the beach. Also a theory of him is that we think in wheels since the discovery of the wheel. while the wheel isn't the most efficient transport mechanism on every surface, for example mull sand. He give an other solution to transport on sand with watching. On youtube you can find more interesting video's of him. It aint a monk that put his self on fire but if you guys think its interesting enough we maybe can arrange an excursion to this sometime.Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Monday, October 08, 2007
OMFG, and you thought the monk was amazing for showing restraint.
De heer Rutte (VVD): In de naam van uw partij staat het begrip vrijheid, net als in de naam van mijn partij. Dan is het toch vreemd om met twee maten te meten? [..]