Saturday, September 30, 2006
Friday, September 29, 2006
Olbermann on the Clinton Interview
Great analysis on the Clinton interview and current American politics.
Beijing secretly fires lasers to disable US satellites
China has secretly fired powerful laser weapons designed to disable American spy satellites by "blinding" their sensitive surveillance devices, it was reported yesterday.
According to senior American officials: "China not only has the capability, but has exercised it." American satellites like the giant Keyhole craft have come under attack "several times" in recent years.
Although the Chinese tests do not aim to destroy American satellites, the laser attacks could make them useless over Chinese territory.
I think this is a relative easy way to block spy satellites. I would say that all western countries, Japan, Iran, Pakistan, Korea, Inda and many other countries can develop this device on their own. If you have the technology, it's easy and cheap to mass implement the concept. I don't see a solution to make a satellite that can "see" when a laser is pointed on its censors.
Super small and secret satellites are a solution. They precisely have to know the orbit of the satellites to hit it with a laser. High earth orbit satellites with strange orbits have to be hard to detect if the pentagon doesn't send you the orbit info.
I'm hoping for a new space race!
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Science Abuse: the Joe Cell
Let's take a look into the wonderful world of "new age science". This new perpetuum mobile fuel cell is gaining popularity on the internet. It claims to be able to power a car with cosmic energy (Orgone), cause Anti-Gravity, and create healing water.
Scientific models of nature are based on mathematics. Most people don't understand the mathematics, so physicists explain their theories/models in words in populair scientific books and magazines. The true power, and what makes it science, of these models is their ability to explain and predict reality.
It is hard to tell if a theory, explained in words, is actually in the domain of science. There needs to be an objective prediction(from a mathematical model) and experiment.
"New Age Science" has no underlying logical mathematical model, but is only the word explanation of a "theory". They use terms from real science to make it sound cool, real and scientific. This is what the movie "What the bleep do we know?", the Joe Cell, and many other new age science believes do.
There are no predictions, no experiments, no mathematical basis and no definitions. There only are amazing poetic sentences that people like to hear and fall for. It's a good marketing strategy that makes me laugh and cry at the same time.
The Joe Cell Although simple in design, it is an incredible device that is able to tap free energy from the
universe that can be used to run a car. Many experimenters and researchers around the world have replicated the Joe Cell and made claims about these cosmic water cells and their anomalies that can not be explained within our current scientific framework and understanding of physics.
A few snippets from the Theory:
the universe consists of a vibrating sea of energy, the ether that is all around us.
Daniel Winter’s implosion physics describes matter as a self sustaining arrangement of imploding vortexes in the ether.
the universe is basically a matrix of electromagnetic waves imploding into what we call matter.
The matrix itself consists of interwoven Platonic Solids geometries. When waves are nested within waves from long to short wave lengths, everything gets interconnected, galaxies, planets, molecules, atoms and subatomic particles.
The matrix exists of spiralling electromagnetic energy waves that interfere non-destructively into a zero or still point within the atom.
Tapping the zero point energy from the universe is tapping the energy from the matrix of energy that makes up our physical reality! It’s tapping the energy from gravity itself!
This is the secret of the Great Pyramid in Giza that is actually half an octahedron and is able to resonate with the torsion fields of the Earth.
The Joe Cell Although simple in design, it is an incredible device that is able to tap free energy from the
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
digital camera with 160 mega pixel
You spend a hell of a money on it, walk around like an extreem japanees but you can make some nice pictures with it.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Monday, September 25, 2006
How to spot a pedophile - test
Ever see a guy at work or school who sends off creepy vibes, and you say to yourself "man, I know that guy rapes children"? Some mental health doctors claim that there's no way to tell a pedophile apart from anyone else just by looks alone. Wrong.
Here is the well-known pedophile-test.
This site also has some (interesting?) views about african americans and a guide for 'how to kill yourself like a man'.
Here is the well-known pedophile-test.
This site also has some (interesting?) views about african americans and a guide for 'how to kill yourself like a man'.
powered by performancing firefox
materazzi's dead man's chest
Finally here it is. the first post of my life. It's about my hero Materazzi in a new Nike commercial
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging
The new elmo toy
guess what tommy is gonna get for his birthday!
Klant met de dood bedreigd voor populaire Sesamstraatpop
Have a look around Mars

It shows an unnamed impact crater located on Vastitas Borealis, a broad plain that covers much of Mars's far northern latitudes, at approximately 70.5° North and 103° East.
The crater is 35 kilometres wide and has a maximum depth of approximately 2 kilometres beneath the crater rim. The circular patch of bright material located at the centre of the crater is residual water ice.
The colours are very close to natural, but the vertical relief is exaggerated three times. The view is looking east.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Make your own Google Map
You can customize Google Maps for your own purpose. You can get a free API code here and add overlays with some basic java skills.
I played with it for a bit and made this Utrecht Coffeeshop Guide(not completed). This is the most popular Amsterdam Coffeeshop Guide and it could more than use this feature.
Nice way to show the address of you business on your site or make whatever you want.
Someone needs to make an interface to replace the hard coding.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Matt damon doesn't have a problem with releasing his emotions
Matt damon is kinda angry with some guy named kimmel.
Luk mom, I maid een post in engels!!11!!
Top Gear's Richard Hammond seriously hurt in crash

Hope he recovers quickly and returns to Top Gear. The show must go on. Also hope that they air the crash footage.The 36-year-old presenter was taken by air ambulance to Leeds General Infirmary's neurological unit.
A spokesman for the hospital said Mr Hammond was "stable".
Mr Hammond had been driving a dragster-style car capable of reaching 300mph at the former RAF airfield in Elvington, near York. click link for more
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
word quiz part 3
here are the new words, this one is a little bit abstracter and probley easyer.
face, prisma, hand, the leter H, a whine glass, the letter T
you can do it!
points so far:
annom 4
cyber 2
ExpendableAsset -100 :P
RC Dogfight?
The problem with dogfighting is that you need controllers and planes that use different or coded frequencies. Pimps plane always uses the same frequency so it's not possible to dogfight with two of these planes.
The Turbo Fury RC Plane is the latest edition in the family of pimps plane:
There are three different colours of the Fury and every colour uses a different frequency. You can thus dogfight with max three Furies.
Too bad it's still 40 euro...
The RC-Gun Combat Module is a cool dogfight addition, but I think you need a larger plane if you want to add that much weight.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Above the Influence!
Check out the new hip ads of above the influence! Do you live above the influence?
For those of you who aren't familiar with anit-drug sites, I also present www.freevibe.com:
pinkcheesegreenghost (9/16/2006 5:02:51 PM) i have never tried drugs but my friend smoked marijuana and died. dont smoke weed becouse marijuana doese kill. my other friend smokes weed and he almost died and he spent 30 days in a prisin hospitle.
Military forces in Thailand have apparently taken control of the capital in a coup
A faction of the Thai military led by the army chief says it has overthrown Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra.
Soldiers have entered the prime minister's offices in Government House and tanks have surrounded the building.
How easy can this happen in the western world?
Monday, September 18, 2006
Americans For Purity
Winning The War On Masturbation
Please also make sure you read the feedbackpage, so you'll get an idea about how serious this is.
This site is dedicated to exposing the REAL Number One Public Health Problem in America today: Masturbation. If you have come here looking for Jokes or Humor about Masturbation, then you have come to the wrong place! But if you have come to be Educated on the Straight Facts about the EVILS of Masturbation, then Welcome!
here they are the new words, this time it are games hope you do better now.
warcraft 2, quake, grant theft auto vice city, red alert 2, call of duty, half life.
een ware kindervriend
Saturday, September 16, 2006
I call shotgun
"I call shotgun" buiten hun normale context gebruikt:
*cntrl + f op shotgun
Tomato: Fruit or vegetable?
The U.S. Supreme Court settled this controversy in 1893, declaring that the tomato is a vegetable, using the popular definition which classifies vegetable by use, that they are generally served with dinner and not dessert. The case is known as Nix v. Hedden (149 U.S. 304). While the Tomato can be classified as a fruit, it is officially categorized as a definite vegetable in the United States.
The USDA also considers the tomato a vegetable.
The term "vegetable" has no botanical meaning and is purely a culinary term.
Friday, September 15, 2006
the new quiz!
first of all gratz on david he wtfbbq you all.
This new quiz will not be about forum camping do.
you need more brain for this one :)
i tell you around 6 words and 1 word doesn't belong there you guys mail me the word that don't belong there. ofc you need to say in that mail aswell why that word don't belong there in youre opinion.
everybody who mails me an answer with a correct word and a good opinion why that word don't belong there gets 1 point.
the one that wisper me the right word and the same opinion as me why it don't belong there gets 2 points. (this require extra skills because you need to get in my brain aswell).
so gl guys.
ohh yeah bevore i forget this are the first words.
flutes, harps, horns, trumpets, gitars, cellos
goodluck we start again with an easy one.
ps you can use google or what ever program you want
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Blurred spot above Oorsprong park, Utrecht
EDIT: Yaay, I've found out. It appears that the mayor's house is on the Emmalaan.
Here is a Google Earth file that shows the reason for all the blurs.
The weird blurred spot that Google Earth shows above the Oorsprong park is weird enough for RTL4 to feature in their program (see link). They still don't know what it is though.

eyes number 4!

Ice cream test
Do you wanna know what kind of personality you have? Perform this Ice cream test, and you will know it!
(btw it's complete bullshit...)
Flash pwnage
It's the 10th anniversary (thnx to ExpendableAsset and ZnZ for spelling anniversary for me) of Macromedia Flash today, and in order to celebrate they made a little thingy.
Now I don't know much (read: nothing) about flash, but this look pretty awesome to me...
note: it may take some time to load
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
The Religion Book, Chapter 2: Jehovah's Witnesses
Inspiration for the Fetishism book
In order to revive the Fetishism book I found some inspiration, a list of nice and disturbing fetishes.
Check them out here, pick one, and start writhing and googleing (in particular pics ;) )
Odaxelagnia —Bite me. No, really, bite me!
Chremastistophilia —This person gets off on the idea of being robbed. Say chremastistophilian three times fast, I dare you.
Monday, September 11, 2006
GigaPixel Photo impossible with normal computer
Cybrbeast asked for a GigaPixel Photo so I tried if it would be possible to create one. I went to the vleutenseweg to make photos for a 200MP attempt. I shot 80 photos and the result, after a hour of AutoStitch rendering, was a 200MP scratch image that cropped to 112MP.
Cropping a 200MP image was still possible, but my comptah didn't like it. I needed PaintShopPro to clonetool some gaps, but PSP refused to save the image so I had to lower to resolution to be able to save the edited image. The result is a 52MP panorama test image, the original is twice this size: