Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The Religion Book, Chapter 2: Jehovah's Witnesses

Adherents: 6.6 million (actively involved) Line chart of Jehovah's Witness membership 1945-2005. Where: Earth (everywhere) Doctrines: Jehovah's Witnesses believe Jesus is "God's Son". They interpret the Bible to mean Jesus was created first and he was then used by Jehovah to create everything else. Jehovah's Witnesses reject the Trinity doctrine, as well as the notion that Jesus is Jehovah. They believe that Jesus Christ has been ruling as king since 1914, and that after that time a short period of cleansing has begun taking place. They further believe that from 1919, Jehovah's Witnesses were selected by God to be his people. Forbidden things, causing disfellowshipping: Abortion, adultery, apostasy, associating with one who is disfellowshipped or disassociated, bestiality, blood transfusions, drug (ab)use (non-medical), drunkenness, extortion, fornication, fraud, gambling, heresy, homosexual activity, idolatry, incest, interfaith activity, loose conduct[9], manslaughter, murder, perverted sex relations[10], polygamy, sexual abuse, spiritism, theft, and use of tobacco. In case of a disfellowshipping an announcement is made at the Kingdom Hall that "[name] is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses." Jehovah's Witnesses practice shunning (ignoring) after disfellowshipping. Origin: Jehovah's Witnesses are members of an international religion who believe they are the restoration of first-century Christianity. News: Police track money from Berka case to Jehovah's Witnesses.

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