Monday, March 01, 2010

Christchurch - Walk around the Block

Hello boys! I made a little walk around the block and made a few pictures to give you an impression of my new neighborhood. I have to get my ass to the university for my first meeting now, more later.


cybrbeast said...

Looks nice. I read it's called The Garden City.
Good look with your meeting.

Did you flip the photos for us, because they weren't upside down?

Kamiel said...

Nice sub-urbs. gl @ the university!

annom said...

Yes, they call it the garden city for good reason. My neighborhood (the pics) is very close to the city center (binnen de singels zouden we zeggen) and least green of all. In the true sub-urbs, the gardens are large, wild and filled with trees and smaller plants.

Strange to walk around in a city that is one large sub-urb. Population density is 3x higher in Utrecht.

I have some very friendly, geeky and hot colleagues at the university and a rather challenging assignment.

And cybrbeast, Google apparently rotates pictures based on your IP location.

pimp-a-lot bear said...

Lovely place.

must be weird such a large suburb.

Douchebag said...

Looks nice actually. I like the green stuffs.

Douchebag said...

How are you getting around? I don't see any bicycle lanes?