Monday, September 04, 2006

The Fetishism Book, Chapter 6: Emetophilia

Emetophilia is a sexual fetish in which an individual is aroused by vomiting or observing others vomit. When emetophiles put emetophilia into practice by actually vomiting, especially on a partner, it is called a Roman shower, after the supposed frequent induction of vomiting at Roman feasts.

For emetophiles, the sequence of "spasm, ejaculation, relief" in vomiting is erotically charged.

An online site theorizes, "vomiting was probably something either arousing or frightening to emetophiles at some point ... it aroused powerful emotions, and the emetophier called upon these emotions for the purpose of sexual gratification."


cybrbeast said...

That's sick, literally
Usually you give us a link to their forum or HQ, where is it?

pimp-a-lot bear said...

Pretty sick huh?
Unfortunately I couldn't find a nice video of a Roman shower.
Here are some puke stories, a paysite and a forum
This fetish isn't so big, so there isn't a lot of material on the web. Most of the material are puke scenes from movies.

annom said...


ExpendableAsset said...

I know there's a Max Hardcore scene, be it not intentional emetophilia.

I can get my head around a lot of things, but this phenomenon baffles me.

Anonymous said...

Why is it ALWAYS CHICKS? Cute boys puking plz. And not just from drinking a fuckton of milk. That's always hilarious, but not very hot.

Anonymous said...