Monday, September 11, 2006

GigaPixel Photo impossible with normal computer

Cybrbeast asked for a GigaPixel Photo so I tried if it would be possible to create one. I went to the vleutenseweg to make photos for a 200MP attempt. I shot 80 photos and the result, after a hour of AutoStitch rendering, was a 200MP scratch image that cropped to 112MP.
Cropping a 200MP image was still possible, but my comptah didn't like it. I needed PaintShopPro to clonetool some gaps, but PSP refused to save the image so I had to lower to resolution to be able to save the edited image. The result is a 52MP panorama test image, the original is twice this size:
Panorama Rotonde Vleutenseweg 30000 x 1740, 52MegaPixel (original 112MP) - 11MB
Here are the other panoramas I stiched today:
Icici, Croatia - 40MegaPixel
Library - University Utrecht 55MegaPixel (many errors due to too much parallax)
Hotelview Hurghada, Egypt 13MegaPixel Beerschoten, Utrecht 18MegaPixel
Here is a 2.5 GigaPixel Photo made by TNO in Delft. It is the largest digital image ever made according to wikipedia (I would say Google Earth beats the shit out of TNO).


cybrbeast said...

You've been a busy bee.
Nice work!

annom said...

The images are not that good, it is only a proof of concept.

I know how the program works and how I should take the pictures now, so next time I'm in front of the Grand Canyon, the Pyramids or on top of the Dom, I know what to do :)

Kamiel said...

realy nice pictures.

told someone frome my project group at skool that this photo was made with a prototype of the new canon 160mp camera. maked him believe it for a day.