Cybrbeast asked for a GigaPixel Photo so I tried if it would be possible to create one. I went to the vleutenseweg to make photos for a 200MP attempt. I shot
80 photos and the result, after a hour of AutoStitch rendering, was a 200MP scratch image that cropped to 112MP.
Cropping a 200MP image was still possible, but my comptah didn't like it. I needed PaintShopPro to clonetool some gaps, but PSP refused to save the image so I had to lower to resolution to be able to save the edited image. The result is a 52MP panorama test image, the original is twice this size:
Panorama Rotonde Vleutenseweg
30000 x 1740, 52MegaPixel (original 112MP) - 11MB
Here are the other panoramas I stiched today:
Icici, Croatia - 40MegaPixel