HONG KONG (AP) - Chinese surgeons said Tuesday they successfully operated on a man with a massive 15 kilogram tumour that hung down from his face, obscuring his features and warping his backbone.
Huang's facial tumour became noticeable when he was four years old, the hospital said. It grew bigger and more quickly as he grew older, blocking his left eye, pushing his left ear to shoulder level, knocking out his teeth and deforming his backbone.
Huang is only four-feet-five-inches tall and had trouble speaking, hearing and eating before the surgery.
I can't believe this poor guy has had to live with this for so long. I hope he'll be able to live a relatively normal life again.
his tumor got removed, so why the long face?
)wonder if anyone understands the joke :) )
wiki's wanking test:
chinees man with extreme facial tumor: SUCCEEDED
serious what a poor guy
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