The Naica Mine of Chihuahua, Mexico, is a working mine that is known for its extraordinary crystals. Naica is a lead, zinc and silver mine in which large voids have been found, containing crystals of selenite (gypsum) as large as 4 feet in diameter and 50 feet long. The chamber holding these crystals is known as the Crystal Cave of Giants, and is approximately 1000 feet down in the limestone host rock of the mine. The crystals were formed by hydrothermal fluids emanating from the magma chambers below. The cavern was discovered while the miners were drilling through the Naica fault, which they were worried would flood the mine. The Cave of Swords is another chamber in the Naica Mine, containing similar large crystals.
More...Their future will be dependent on the fate of the mine.
At the moment, access is restricted to prevent damage to the soft crystals.
And humans can only get in the caves at all because of the continuous pumping operations that keep them clear of water.
If, when Naica's ores are no longer viable, the mine is closed and the pumping is stopped, then the caves will be submerged - and the crystals will start growing again.
"I've recommended to the mining company that they try to preserve them and I would like to see Unesco get involved," explained Professor Garcia-Ruiz.

More pictures: 1, 2, 3
I wonder how old they are...
hold on: over 20 milion years!
I am going to the caves in Dec 2011 I would like some info from someone on which caves are open to the public. I am a caver and I dream of seeing this in real life could someone please respond and give me some details on the best way to go about seeing these amazing crystals
email me on : genieflip@hotmail.com
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