Friday, August 11, 2006

The Fetishism Book, Chapter 2: Sneeze Fetish


The sneeze fetish for most sneeze fetishists begins from a very early fascination with sneezing, both presented in media such as cartoon, books, and comics, and real-life. The reasons for this fascination are difficult to explain for the fetishist; however, some reasons for the fetishist's attraction to sneezing are conjectured to be in the vulnerability of the person sneezing, or the parallel to the sexual orgasm.


Some fetishists particularly find attraction in the vulnerability aspect of the sneeze. They enjoy that the person lost control, as sneezing is something that is beyond people's control, and is something that everyone does, regardless of strength, power, or status. Many people like seeing those who are otherwise well-composed and in control sneeze because in sneezing that person has lost control. There are a lot of sneeze fetishists that enjoy the nurturing side of the sneeze, in that they get to take care of someone if they are sick or have a cold.

Parallel to the sexual orgasm

One reason that the sneeze is attractive to a person may be its parallels to sexual orgasms. The period of expectation, the expulsion and the after-effect is a comparison to the cycle of that of an orgasm. Both fetishists and non-fetishists report an enjoyable feeling gained after a particularly good sneeze. The loudest sneeze ever recorded was by Bill Page, of South Australia.


Sneeze fetishists all have individual likes and dislikes in sneeze characteristics. Characteristics that define how a fetishist will or will not like a sneeze depends on:

  • Sex: male or female sneezes. Anyone may enjoy sneezes of any sex. A fetishist who enjoys sneezes of the same sex is not necessarily homosexual.
  • Volume: soft, medium or loud
  • Vocals: little, medium or big amount of vocalisation
  • Wetness: dry, average or wet
  • Target: into hands; into tissue or handkerchief; uncovered
  • Stifled or Unstifled
  • Real or fake (e.g. from cartoon characters, TV shows, and movies)
  • Induced or casual: this usually makes little or no difference to a fetishist
  • Buildups: the amount and loudness of buildups. Buildups are generally a commonly enjoyed characteristic.
  • Repetition: most fetishists enjoy repetitious sneezes, or sneezing fits
  • Allergic or cold: Some fetishists enjoy cold sneezes because of the feeling of nurture over the helpless victim; others are repelled by the germ factor.
  • Talking whilst sneezing: this is a characteristic enjoyed by some sneezing fetishists due to the feeling of lack or control emanated from the sneezer.
  • Sneezing while hiding
Check out this site if you're getting a bit excited over this. And for the rest of you: Realise what you've done after sneezing in public.


cybrbeast said...

Another fetish I knew nothing about. Thanks, very interesting/funny :)

annom said...

The sneeze fetish forum has 140000 posts. It's a serious fetish :)

I like sneezing, but hate other people sneezing in my neck.