Carrying a dead child around and posing for photographers...
Propaganda is something that will allways be present.
Spot the difference:

What a shitty piece of photoshopping. But the question arises; how many manipulated photos made by people with good PS skills have slipped through?
Also watch
Palastenians putting up shows for the world's media to view?
HonestReporting seems like a good site to dig up propaganda about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but how honest is it?
I wonder what kind of propaganda the Israelis use
“The photographer has denied deliberately attempting to manipulate the image, saying that he was trying to remove dust marks and that he made mistakes due to the bad lighting conditions he was working under ” said Moira Whittle, the head of public relations for Reuters. -
Als de zon een mestvaalt beschijnt, dan verspreidt deze een onaangename geur.
Wie zich uit de rook houdt, zal zich niet branden.
on HonestReporting, the report of 16 july,"Israel Under Fire", bottom of the page:
Israel's international image is extremely important, particularly during a crisis of this magnitude. Please consider donating to Israeli causes, some of which are listed below, and also forward this communique and encourage others to subscribe to HonestReporting to enable them to better respond to media bias."
Now please elaborate, what is their goal?
Honest Reporting or Israel's international image?
"About Us:
Israel is in the midst of a battle for public opinion – waged primarily via the media. To ensure Israel is represented fairly and accurately HonestReporting monitors the media, exposes cases of bias, promotes balance, and effects change through education and action.
The work of HonestReporting yields results. Since 2000, the organization prompted hundreds of apologies, retractions, and revisions from news outlets. These efforts are changing the face of the media and reporting of Israel throughout the world."
So yeah they focus solely on Israel and might be biased. But you can read their articles and judge for yourself.
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