wiki Myhrvold attended Mirman School, and began college at age 14. He studied mathematics, geophysics, and space physics at UCLA (BSc, Masters). At Princeton he earned a master's degree in mathematical economics and completed a PhD in theoretical and mathematical physics by age 23. He also attended Santa Monica College. For one year, he held a postdoctoral fellowship at Cambridge working under Stephen Hawking, studying cosmology, quantum field theory in curved space time and quantum theories of gravitation, but left to co-found a computer startup in Oakland, California. The company, Dynamical Systems Research Inc., sought to produce Mondrian, a clone of IBM's TopView multitasking environment for DOS. Microsoft purchased DSR in 1986 and Myhrvold worked there for 13 years. At Microsoft he founded Microsoft Research in 1991.Myhrvold is a real polymath. In this TED talk he shares some of his interests. He also has a cheap way to mitigate global warming through geo-engineering. Here's a white paper on the proposal. He also puts too much emphasis on the H :)
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Nathan Myhrvold
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Sleepbox, an One-Person Hotel

Monday, December 28, 2009
Does Dubai have enough landmarks/icons?
I was wondering this because it looks like they only build landmarks in one of the new world city: Dubai.
Picture of the Palm islands
Also they got alot of skyscrapers (click link for all the skycrapers of Dubai) that are landmark worthy. Here are some of my favorites:
World’s tallest building Burj Dubai (nice site with 5 years photo archive of how its build)
Dancing towers made by Zaha Hadid
Dancing/signature towers
Burj Al-Arab world’s only ‘seven star’ hotel.
And then they got some new plans like the ‘deathstar’ from OMA.

Death star by Rem Koolhaas i assume its inspired by Star Wars
The question is are this to many landmarks?
As an architecture lover I say no, there are never to many landmarks! There are many city’s with lots of landmarks I take New York as an example. New York got the statue of liberty, Guggenheim museum, World trade center (luckly it wasn't the only landmark of NY), Brooklyn bridge, Empire state building, Chrysler Building, Time Square and many more. Nobody will say that New York got to much landmarks because they created a beautifull city and they all got another main function like being an office or museum etc. There is one Exception and that’s the Statue of liberty the main and only function of the statue of liberty is being a landmark/icon.
So my statement is a city can only handle 1 or max 2 landmark/icon with the only function of being a landmark/icon.
Some examples:
Paris: Eifel Tower
Brussel: Atomium
London: Big Ben
Washington DC: Washington Monument.
These landmarks/icons have as only function to be an icon and this makes them most of the time the main icons of the city.
In Dubai all the landmarks/icons have another main function like office, residential or hotels. All this buildings are all big investments for a small piece of the spotlight. I don’t know if they are worth the investment but they create a beautiful city that is impossible to ignore in future.
Stop web sites from resizing Firefox windows
# In Firefox go to Tools > Options # Go to the Content Tab # To the right of "Enable Javascript," hit "Advanced..." # Uncheck "Move or resize existing windows"Fixed!
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Saturday, December 26, 2009
1:10 scale Saturn V launch
NGC A replica of a NASA Saturn V rocket, the massive model broke the world record for the tallest and heaviest model rocket that's ever been launched and recovered—36 feet (11 meters) and 1,648 pounds (750 kilograms), respectively.Quite an extreme hobby.
Phallus Slow Motion
"The champion phallus from this Meller’s duck is a long, spiraling tentacle. Some ducks grow phalluses as long as their entire body. In the fall, the genitalia will disappear, only to reappear next spring.
The anatomy of ducks is especially bizarre considering that 97 percent of all bird species have no phallus at all. Most male birds just deliver their sperm through an opening. Dr. Brennan is investigating how this sexual wonder of the world came to be."
Friday, December 25, 2009
NOS nieuws
Thursday, December 24, 2009
How the BBC makes those awesome timelapses
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
All is Green Screen
Sunday, December 20, 2009
"The Ultimate Rainbow Quiz"
Man in a Clock
This clock does not actually have a man inside but a flatscreen that plays a 24 hour loop of this video by the artist watching his own clock somewhere and painstakingly erasing and re-writing each minute.Imagine doing that for 12 hours to complete the sequence.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Nationale Wetenschapsquiz (5/5)
Vraag 13: Hoe zorgt het gif van de Australische tijgerslang ervoor dat je uit veel van je lichaamsopeningen gaat bloeden?
A. | Je bloed gaat stollen |
B. | Je maakt extra bloedplasma aan |
C. | Je bloedplaatjes worden afgebroken |
Vraag 14: Wanneer is je verwachte winst bij de Staatsloterij het grootst?
A. | Als je een heel lot koopt |
B. | Als je twee hele loten koopt met verschillend eindcijfer |
C. | Als je een straat koopt (10 hele loten met verschillend eindcijfer) |
Vraag 15: Waar droogt secondelijm het snelst?
A. | Onder een föhn |
B. | Boven een stoomapparaat |
C. | Voor een airconditioner |
Friday, December 18, 2009
Coconut Octopus
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Nationale Wetenschapsquiz 2009 (4/5)
Vraag 10: Hoe spant een spin een draad tussen twee bomen die een stukje uit elkaar staan?
A. | Hij loopt via de grond met de draad van de ene naar de andere boom en trekt de draad strak |
B. | Hij schommelt aan de draad naar de andere boom |
C. | Hij wacht op een windvlaag en laat de draad vastwaaien aan de andere boom |
Vraag 11: Je metselt nieuwe stenen in een bestaande muur van je huis, maar ze zijn iets donkerder dan de oude stenen. Wat kun je het beste doen?
A. | De nieuwe steenlaag voegen met wit voegsel |
B. | De nieuwe steenlaag voegen met zwart voegsel |
C. | De nieuwe steenlaag bespuiten met een zoutoplossing |
Vraag 12: Wat gebeurt er als de mond van een stofzuiger wordt afgesloten?
A. | De motor in de stofzuiger wordt zwaarder belast |
B. | De motor in de stofzuiger wordt even zwaar belast |
C. | De motor in de stofzuiger wordt minder zwaar belast |
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
extreme gaming
Embryonic solar systems in the Orion Nebula

Looking deep inside the Orion Nebula, the Hubble Space Telescope has captured a stunning collection of protoplanetary disks – or proplyds – which are embryonic solar systems in the making. Using Hubble's Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS), researchers have discovered 42 protoplanetary blobs, which are being illuminated by a bright star cluster. These disks, which sometimes appear like boomerangs, arrows, or space jellyfish, surround baby stars and are shedding light on the mechanism behind planet formation. More...

Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Worlds best christmas card
Monday, December 14, 2009
Nationale Wetenschapsquiz 2009 (3/5)
Vraag 7: Welk wapen had een neanderthaler meestal bij zich?
A. | Een speer |
B. | Een knots |
C. | Pijl en boog |
Vraag 8: Wat gebeurt er met het gewicht van een usb-stick als je er bestanden op zet?
A. | Het gewicht van de stick neemt een klein beetje toe |
B. | Het gewicht van de stick neemt een klein beetje af |
C. | Het gewicht van de stick blijft exact gelijk |
Vraag 9: Is het doen van push-ups voor lange en korte mensen even moeilijk?
A. | Nee, voor lange mensen is het makkelijker |
B. | Nee, voor korte mensen is het makkelijker |
C. | Hoe moeilijk push-ups zijn hangt van je lichaamsbouw af, niet van je lengte |
DIY train
"The six-seater train - made out of garden furniture and salvaged train parts - was powered by an electric motor and even had its own refreshments car in the shape of a crate of beer.
Police however had to call in a helicopter to find and follow the makeshift train as the police cars could not follow it along the tracks.
"It seems to be one of those mad pub ideas that actually happened. They didn't seem to realise they could have caused a serious accident if they'd got anywhere near a real train," said one officer."
Sunday, December 13, 2009
My new kitty cat truffel
Thursday, December 10, 2009
FOX has trouble with percentages AGAIN
Robo-Air Jet System Makes Objects Float
"The system consists of a gimbaled air jet with two degrees of freedom. The air jet is supplied up to 620 kPa through a DC motor-controlled valve. Stereo vision cameras track the objects, and a control algorithm uses the position data and a fluid dynamics model to adjust the air jet, varying its speed and direction to keep the object in equilibrium." - [full paper here]
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Nationale Wetenschapsquiz 2009 (2/5)
A. Hij loopt sneller leeg en vliegt sneller weg dan op aarde
B. Hij loopt langzaam leeg en zakt naar beneden
C. Hij loopt niet leeg en blijft zweven waar je hem hebt losgelaten
Vraag 5: Hoe lang duurt het ongeveer voordat een geheim dat eens per uur alleen door de laatste ingewijden wordt doorverteld aan drie nieuwe personen de wereld rond is?
A. Een dag
B. Een weekend
C. Een week
Vraag 6: Voor welke schaarse grondstof bleek melk in de Tweede Wereldoorlog een alternatief te bieden?
A. Smeerolie
B. Wol
C. Cement
The Pop-Up Book of Phobias
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
The rainbowboys after 2000+ posts

Monday, December 07, 2009
Nationale Wetenschapsquiz 2009 (1/5)
Dutch Hockeystick

Saturday, December 05, 2009
2000 Posts!

Friday, December 04, 2009
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Great building modelling tool for Google Earth
Building Maker is a 3D modeling tool for adding buildings to Google Earth. It's fun to use, and an easy way to get on the 3D map. Start modeling at the Netherlands, you can only model buildings in Rotterdam at the moment. It works pretty good and it's quite smart how it uses the aerial photos to automatically texture the buildings.
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
WTF Card Stacking

Sunday, November 29, 2009
Wrecking Ball
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Nice Optical Illusion
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
23 years of conscious coma
A car crash victim has spoken of the horror he endured for 23 years after he was misdiagnosed as being in a coma when he was conscious the whole time. Rom Houben, trapped in his paralysed body after a car crash, described his real-life nightmare as he screamed to doctors that he could hear them - but could make no sound. 'I dreamed myself away,' he added, tapping his tale out with the aid of a computer.The truthfulness of this story has been criticized by none other than the acclaimed skeptic Randi. Is the story real or not, or somewhere in between?

Wired article Houben has since proven able to answer yes-or-no questions with slight movements of his foot. It’s a tremendous accomplishment, and raises the chilling possibility that, as estimated by Coma Science Group leader Steven Laureys in a Monday New York Times story, as many as four in 10 people considered utterly comatose may be misdiagnosed. But the legitimacy of interviews given by Houben and his facilitator to Der Spiegel, and shown on video by the BBC, may not be as certain. “I believe that he is sentient. They’ve shown that with MRI scans,” said James Randi, a prominent skeptic who during the 1990s investigated the use of facilitated communication for autistic children. But in the video, “You see this woman who’s not only holding his hand, but what she’s doing is directing his fingers and looking directly at the keyboard. She’s pressing down on the keyboard, pressing messages for him. He has nothing to do with it.”Imagine how messed up it is for this guy if he IS conscious and sees the woman typing stuff that he IS NOT thinking.
MSNBC article Most troubling about the claim that Houben is communicating are the facts that he is doing so with the help of a therapist who points his finger to the keys on a computer keyboard. The therapist, Linda Wouters, has told news reporters that she can feel Houben guiding her hand with gentle pressure from his fingers. She feels him objecting when she moves his hand toward an incorrect letter. But, given his injuries, Houben should not be able to generate any pressure in his fingers. And if he can do so, why did no one else detect this ability over the past 23 years?There is a simple way to test this. Say or show a simple word to Mr Houben while the person guiding his hand is not there. Then have the facilitator come back and ask Houben to write that word. If he can answer Yes/No questions with his foot, then you could also ask him, are you typing these words? We need more info on this story. I hope someone gets to the truth of this. Locked-in syndrome @ wiki Facilitated communication @ wiki
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Sick, twisted and awesome music video
Friday, November 20, 2009
Rare video of a rock slide

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Self healing bio-concrete
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Kissing and rimming at the same time

From somethinbeautiful: A man of many faces, creates some of the most incredible masks ever seen. The eccentric face painter calls his creations “self-portraits” because he uses his own face as the canvas for his artwork. The 46-year old artist is halfway through his project to create a design for his face every day for a year, which he began in March after he was snowed in by 12 inches of snow and had to miss work. James got the inspiration from photo exhibitions of a picture a day. His 365 creations range from cartoon characters and animals to his favorite foods. More pictures
Monday, November 16, 2009
Video from the top of the Burj Dubai

Saturday, November 14, 2009
YouTube showing full 1080p HD now
YouTube Blog We're excited to say that support for watching 1080p HD videos in full resolution is on its way. Starting next week, YouTube's HD mode will add support for viewing videos in 720p or 1080p, depending on the resolution of the original source, up from our maximum output of 720p today. And those of you who have already uploaded in 1080p, don't worry. We're in the process of re-encoding your videos so we can show them the way you intended.As an example you can check out the Dark Knight trailer in full HD here. That is if your computer can run it. If you right click the video and press "show video info" you can see the amount of bandwidth and the FPS your computer runs it at. If this becomes popular it will require a staggering amount of bandwidth from YouTube. I'm quite surprised they allow it. More examples: Imaginarium of Dr Parnassus HD 1080p Trailer Prince Of Persia the Movie HD 1080p trailer Avatar HD 1080p Trailer
Friday, November 13, 2009
Cool interactive projection technology
Consisting of the LiteBoard projector and special pen/wand, the system will work on any surface—wall, screen, whiteboard, etc.—so there’s no need to mount an interactive whiteboard hardware.
The wand works by detecting patterns in the projected image that the human eye cannot see, communicating with the projector over a radio frequency to triangulate exactly where the user is pointing.
All information is passed to the computer in the same way as any other mouse/pointer device – so you could use this on any software.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Google Street View stopped by police
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
3d power socket
Monday, November 09, 2009
scientists = arrogant gods of certainty
The Big Picture - Martian landscapes

Friday, November 06, 2009
Google Maps Navigation
Thursday, November 05, 2009
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
World's biggest cruise ship