Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Students Prosper with Montessori Method

"On a variety of tests, ranging from letter-word identification to math, these Montessori kids outscored their public school counterparts. When confronted with social issues, such as another child hoarding a swing, they more commonly resorted to reasoning--43 percent to 18 percent. And on tests of so-called executive function--the ability to adapt to changing rules that increase in complexity--Montessori children again outperformed their peers. "


cybrbeast said...

pwnage, but:

"A curriculum based on close observations of children, the Montessori method includes an individualized curriculum and no grades, among other innovations."

This isn't really what we received at our school.

annom said...

It is what we(DekuS, Mr Wiggles and I) received at our elementary school.

dekus said...


dekus said...

and look at us now! One dropped out of collage and the other was on the verge of entering the french foreign legion...


cybrbeast said...


annom said...

Imagine what would have happened if we weren't educated by Maria Montessori!

dekus said...

gutter looks nice though ;)